E this not evoluinaturalmente for another route that is not the accumulation of capital for few. This system if impregnates on the nations and the people in any type of poderpblico of any system of government are in the United States, Europe, Brazil, Cuba, Russia, always exist back in different ratios more still in grandeescala of accumulation of little richer in detriment of many maispobres. Still thus she is clearly that they exitem in the new PPA, ganhosconsistentes with this change in the form to define the orientaes estratgicasdo government. The wakening of the will citizen and the orgulhoparticipativo, asleep inside of the most diverse classrooms of entities and cidadossegregados historically of the chance and quarrel process is undeniable to deelaborar proposals for the democratic growth of the country. This democratic process for construction of the PPA, teveincio with a seminary in April of 2003 with the participation of leading dergos of the government and the responsible ones for sectorial politics. In this fruns seminrioforam definite of preliminary form 24 challenges organized in 3 Mega-Objetivosque had been argued later in 27 that they had more contemplated all the doestados of the federacy Federal District and in the Advice of DesenvolvimentoEconmico and Social, constituted for this end in this government. The programs formulated with the consequentes lines of direction destedebate, would have to also fulfill pepel of integration between the planning and ooramento. In this point the plain return to make critical direct what it chamade traditional way of of administration for functions, being placed that this nopermite an orientation come back toward the reach of results and with contrapontocoloca the management for programs as the alternative that a priori would assure estesresultados for working of cooperative form ' ' crossing fronteirasministeriais' '. The PPA brings as transversal subjects of the government science, atecnologia, the job and the sort, for considering that these subjects must servistos as orienting lines of direction in the definition of politics.