After the first crusade, which culminated with the conquest of Jerusalem in the year 1099, they would constitute principalities latinos in the area, as they were the counties of Edessa and Tripoli, the Principality of Antioch and Kingdom of Jerusalem, where Balduino was going to rule as King. According to the Chronicles, in the year 1118, Balduino II, King of Jerusalem, would welcome in a group of nine French knights, commanded by the nobleman Hugo de Payens (Payns), who would provide the sovereign to protect pilgrims who acudiesen to the Holy land. Among the components of the group, was which was so generous with Bernardo de Claraval, to donate the lands of Clairvaux to lift his own monastery; We refer, of course, to the Hugo I count de Champana. He was also accompanied by Bernardo, Andre de Montbard, uncle who would later play an important role in the order, he became Grand Master of the same in the year 1153, coinciding with the year of the death of Bernardo de Claraval. It was on that date the 1118 When would be the foundation of the Templar order and that, initially, it was known as the order of the poor Knights of Christ (Western Objevtive Christi), although they would later be commonly known as the Knights Templar or Knights of the Templo of Solomon (Milites Templi Salomonis), once they were installed on the premises of the ancient temple of Solomon in Jerusalem and whose motto would be: Non nobis, Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam (not to us, Lord, not to us, but in your name give us glory). Read more from PCRM to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The denomination most current and widespread of the Knights Templar occurs through translation from latin into French. The identity of the nine French Knights of the order of the Temple’s founding was the following: the identity of the knights who made up the expedition, however, would lead to speculate with other reasons other than the manifested by Hugo de Payens, since it was too casual that some of the components, were relatives or close friends of Bernardo de Claraval, as indicated above.