The children who have participativos parents get better resulted of that the pupils ' ' whose parents remain themselves moved away from escola' ' , as he informs in them You mark (1999). This participation can go beyond verifying notebooks or to participate in meetings, this family can ask to the pupil as it was its day in the school, the discoveries that made, to inform the professors of the necessities of the pupil, after all, is the family of the pupil who more knows its necessities. When the son has overhead in evaluations, to appear in the school before being called, to reserve time to be with it, to help it. We speak here of quality time, not amount. We need remembering in them the Prado (1981) on the changes that the families come suffering.
One of these changes is in the time that can offer. Many responsible parents or need to work more than in a job, or work far, leaving always very early and arriving very late. Part of this sacrifice is for giving to its children the possibility who had not had, of only studying. To guide these parents on what they can make to help its children, will not be only recompensador for the relation family-school, will be also comforting for these parents who would like to help plus its children, but does not find possible. 2.2 The family becoming involved itself with the school the envolvement of the parents is a first step for the establishment of the partnership family-school.
We must guide them of form to stimulate the participation. Simple actions can have great resulted. We need to clarify that to participate goes very beyond the attendance to the school when we call or of the simple accompaniment of the house duty. They follow some suggestions supplied in the seminary ' ' The school and famlia' ' , promoted for the Foundation School of Servio Pblico (FESP), of the State of Rio De Janeiro, in partnership with the Extra Periodical: He always speaks well of the school to create in its son a positive expectation in relation to the studies; It hugs it and desires to good things when he will be of exit for the lesson; In the return, he looks for to know as it was the day of it, what he learned and as if related with all.