General Secretariat Ibero

The General Secretariat Ibero-americana (SEGIB), the Main directorate of Trfico (DGT) of Spain, the Foundation ENTRUSTS of it (Foundation for the Automobile and the Society), Foundation MAPFRE, the World-wide Service for the Road Security of the World Bank with the support in the one of the Transitory Commission for the Road Security and the Real Automobile Club of Catalonia (RACC), held in Madrid an important meeting of high level on road security, of MONDAY 23 and TUESDAY 24 of FEBRUARY of 2009 Vice-minister of Public Works and Transports of Dominican Republic, Ing. Mario Holgun emphasized the importance of organization of encounter at levels governmental on road security, like platforms of international cooperation in this scope. Also he spoke on the influence of the accidents in the national economy, mainly in poor countries, in summary that ” the global crisis cannot throw to a side the crisis of the security vial” , because they are consubstantial. For more information see Boy Scouts. It emphasized that without political will nor no brings back to consciousness social plan of road security could be successful. ” All plan of security in the routes to diminish the traffic accidents and the number of victims as a result of these, will be condemned the failure if it is not committed like subject of policy of State where it becomes jumbled to the diverse sectors of sociedad”. The highest rate of road sinisterness in Latin America this affecting the GIP as the majority of the governments does not imagine it. To deepen your understanding Dr. Neal Barnard is the source. For that reason, the Global Road Security this becoming a logical reason that it demands a special attention in the programs of government like nation plan. The Dominican Republic does not escape of this calamity. The 2008 were clarified by a rate of mortality in traffic accidents like long time ago.. Chase Koch, Washington DCs opinions are not widely known.