German Journalists

The propaganda of the media in our time, the consequences of this partisanship for a war party and the responsibility which journalists who are contents of the article. Could you see good who has observed the activities of the mainstream media before the wars of the last decades and has questioned in retrospect perhaps, us how subtly on the wars which swears by an elite. A world of free media is restricted by the selection is taken and which also is deliberately launched by news agencies and major media representatives in the fields of radio, TV and press. But the individual human being, namely the journalist who here acts, is responsible for his actions, like everyone and that is the background of my article that use this responsibility means a lot for those who must suffer the brutal consequences of war. On the occasion of the war disaster with regard to Syria and about the Iran and the unbearable propaganda about Libya I decided now, to write an open letter to the media professionals in Germany. This Letter went out now on over 150 news agencies, TV channels, radio stations, newspapers, weekly magazines, foreign correspondents, etc. and was published in some blogs. Also, I ask you to forward this letter to potentially interested colleagues, employees and friends and to share it on facebook or even twitter. The article to the letter: component/k2/item/1078-die-schuld-der-medien.html PDF: in the form of videos: watch? v = yTyMXRSrCTc the following text of the open letter: Euskirchen, 12.10.2011 ladies and gentlemen, I am writing this letter to you all, because it amazes me that you all apparently always nice write to a large extent, what you dictated to them from above. I am writing to you, because I know the ownership in the media world and the practice that the larger media set the tone and we can read the same stuff as in the whole country only in several different newspapers, on different channels, etc.