Does this mean that you will achieve results? Not always. Materials for language learning can be compared with the cookbook. You will cook it for a good meal … if the recipe is correct. And if the materials are chosen incorrectly? If you need a French stew with white sauce and a recipe book, only scrambled eggs? You need to learn the language to perfection in all its depth, and the book you'll pick up a knowledge 'of the tops', sufficient for obtaining the certificate level, but insufficient for your purposes? Another aspect of the issue – the rate of learning. Have you noticed that any classroom teacher is always focused on the weakest student in the group? After all, it turns out that he, too, and you are targeting. You are very lucky if your school has a strict policy of ranking levels, but often in a group with students who are technically difficult to classify even the same level. Schools thus saving on paying teachers, and to save what you are going through the same stuff for ten times until it finally comes to someone else? And who is to blame? After all, you can choose the option of training, which means that you will have to endure, and its shortcomings.
Is there a way out of this situation? There is, and he at the same place and entrance. Reconsider their attitude toward the learning process and take responsibility for themselves. Decide for yourself what result you want. Fluency in spoken language? Understanding of written language? English for business communication? Develop for themselves a training program and follow it, and do not believe anyone who says that you yourself will never get into grammar or do not learn to speak. All in your hands, and learning outcomes also depend only on Yourself! And now – an interesting resource about the development of foreign language: # Germany – Want to read the foreign press in the target language you? Then go here, open the newspaper and read. Very informative and helpful! C Sincerely, S. Vasilenko e-mail for communication: serg753 (dog) 'Universal methods improved foreign languages! '- Master the language independently and effectively