Graduate Business School

Most often career in business and in politics is through these schools. The most famous are: – Ecole Normale – Graduate Business School – Military School combined arms in places very hard to do, and alien even more so. When you receive here every request is considered separately and frequent failures. The biggest chance to go there for those who have a French Bachelor (EAC). But on the way to training in the most prestigious schools, they will have another couple of years, students acquire specialized training courses and there they will be very tough selection.

At a special place and has a very high level – is trained on the program of political science. It lasts 3 years. Here's flagship took the National School of Administration (ENA), which prepares all politicians and employees of the state apparatus. In it each year studying on a few dozen young workers' state – the bureaucrats and politicians. Some institutions offer special courses for 6-7 weeks in the English language. On these courses you will be able to practice speaking a foreign language and listen to information on various aspects and features to create a united Europe. Special priorities has system that prepares physicians and pharmacists.

This system is specifically adopted in France and requires 6-7 years to train a student. For example, the following course do not transfer those students who have not been a very difficult exam, not a certain number of different estimates and, accordingly, did not pass on a special contest. Those who could not pass on, will be invited to take the same course again, but this proposal will be issued only one times. At all other specialties, selection is up to the first year of teaching, and those who did not pass – is allowed to stay again on the same course as many times. In France, only 15% of students of all commercial schools are foreigners. The most prestigious management school in France: – Higher School of Commerce – Graduate School of Economics and Commercial Sciences – Graduate Business School of are all schools together in a consortium which allows up to 2 years to get a diploma in English