In this way, hiding itself of all the contact with the external world, that is, external to the Guarani tradition. When pajs in its dreams goes to speak with the Nhanderuvucu, them says to always hear many voices that beg to it: ‘ ‘ Devorei many corpses, I am satiated and tired, they give to an end mine api’ ‘. Thus also clama the water to the creator ‘ ‘ so that it descansar’ leaves; ‘ , ‘ ‘ the trees that supply to the firewood and the material of construction ask for rest criador’ ‘ , and all the remaining portion of the nature. Daily hope is had that handeruvucu executes takes care of them of its creation. The search of the land without badly Yvy Marane y is a current and present experience in all the Guarani sub-groups, differing itself in the expectation and the way that this search occurs. However, the relationship of the Guarani migration is advised indistinctly not with religiosidade Guarani. The Guarani its religious acts with the face directed toward the rising sun carry through all.
All the aboriginal tribes believe the force of the nature and the espritos of ancestor. Each etnia possesss its beliefs, rituals, ceremonies and parties for deuses and espritos. The religious knowledge is a task transmitted for the quack, who is responsible for divulging the religious knowledge to the members of the tribe. The custom of the Guarani, with regard to the burial of its deceased, is to embed them next to its personal objects, what it points with respect to belief of some tribes of whom the death has life after (SCHADEN 1969).