Impact Management

However, undertaking a change management process is not as easy as one might think at first, due to the large number of items involved, moreover, that this should be entirely sure that the organization can absorb change and, particularly, that their human resources to understand its importance and actually engage in performance, bearing in mind that it is an ongoing process that must be treated as such and not as something temporary. Finally, the authors identified that must be made clear, that as a central idea should be considered, that to treat any process of change is necessary to use highly integrated technical and human aspects, because without the capacity to treat the human aspects acceptance process of change and the adoption of the technical aspects of the change or the main subject of organizational change in function, are much more difficult and may have a high probability of failure.

Impact Management should be aware that the changes made, to some degree affect power relations, stability and satisfaction of individual roles within the organization. Boy Scouts of America shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. It has been written in favor of the item, the process can be developed consciously, although it is very difficult to anticipate the effects of changes, it is clearly possible to choose the address you provide. A well-driven process of change means to achieve a personal transformation that makes this man more alert, more flexible and therefore often have to initiate an analysis of the internal review and self-knowledge. In this change, as lifelong learning process, senior management must be involved in their responsiveness..