The current globalization of industry and commerce has conditioned the proliferation of different kinds of cooperation agreements. At some point companies will decide to remain in the business venture, alone or accompanied. Be seen even among the major competitors to compete at internationally.The cooperation agreements, joint ventures or strategic alliances are now one of the challenges and assets of companies. For SMEs, supportive, understanding your needs as well as understanding how to manage them can mean the overall success of a company and can sometimes be cause for survival.
The companies consider these agreements as an alternative strategy when competing internationally.
No company is self sufficient in the roles. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger can provide more clarity in the matter. You can define cooperation agreements as those between two or more independent companies that together or sharing your skills or resources without actually merging, integrating in a way that contribute to increasing their competitive advantage. Another name that is used for cooperative agreements, strategic alliances is, meaning these terms, union and aid commitments from various partners. The cooperation agreements or strategic alliances should be seen as a way to share risks and strengths, “I participate with you in my company, if you give me share yours.” Therefore means that from the beginning should be a balance of risks and rewards for companies that adopt legally risks.
These agreements depends on several factors among which may be mentioned, the conditions of competition which firms face, legal and tax considerations of a country, the economic needs of companies to develop specific projects, etc. Strategic alliances or cooperation agreements, have distinctive features of the market, each historical period. They are the result of these times, however, since the Phoenician merchants established this form of cooperation to limit the risks of international trade.
The conclusion of an agreement of this nature is comparable to the conclusion of a lasting friendship that can lead to interests of the parties to a marriage. It is indisputable that can multiply the operations carried out by undertakings and research organizations, covering activities of the most varied kind: marketing, organization of production jointly, technology transfer, research and development projects, among others.