Also here is to clarify how such a strategy of employer branding may look like and how they sent is implemented with the help of new media and social media. “” Social media knowledge applies also here is power “that conveys with his series of events on the topic of social media in public facilities municipal education factory e.V.” valuable expert knowledge and leads to to to develop strategies for dealing with the new media. Following seminars are offered: – Facebook – fan pages for municipalities and non-profits create (06.09.2012 and 21.03.2013) – public relations with Web 2.0/social media – a seminar for beginners (10.09.2012 and 07.03.2012) -. Facts on the point brought – customer-oriented writing for Internet and intranet (event) – crisis communications – crisis skillfully control, loss of image to avoid (04.10.2012 and 14.05.2013) – public relations with corporate blogs for municipalities and non-profits: achieve transparency and authenticity (23.10.2012 and 23.04.2013) – communication and public relations: more than just media work (01.11.2012 and 07.05.2013) for more information social media managers and training stakeholders, Tel.: 030-29 33 50 0 or on the Web:. Questions will also be emailed: answered. The municipal education factory e.V. (KBW e.V.) is an institution of vocational training for employees and managers of the entire public sector institutions and associations, companies and other interested parties and individuals recognised as charitable. The headquarters of the municipal education factory e.V.
is located in Berlin. Regional offices are in Wuppertal, Hamburg and Frankfurt am Main. For more than 20 years, the Institute offers a comprehensive program berufsbegleitender education and training. The events take place as seminars and workshops, as in-house courses, as well as in the form of conferences. While the training offerings span the entire Federal territory. The training events of the KBW e.V.
aimed for example at Secretaries, case managers at the job centres, staff from youth welfare institutions, legal supervisors, auditors, politicians, cultural and marketing executives, until going to chimney sweeps and many others. Also interested parties from the private sector and individuals will find qualified offers of the continuing education and training of the municipal education factory e.V. The municipal education work is according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 and certified according to AZWV. Updated daily, the KBW e.V. presents its training range on the Internet at. Klaudia Hennig press and public work municipal education factory e.V. Gurtelstrasse 29a/30 10247 Berlin phone: 030-29 33 50-0 fax: 030-29 33 50-0 E-mail: Internet: