Managing Director

For these reasons we Peruvians must defend our democracy, our political system and our economic model. If so say we are evil communists, what would be if we were in a government with them? Nationalized, political persecution, the death of businessmen, journalists killed, unjust imprisonment of people who do not please the regime. It is the country that Abimael Guzman dreamed of ruling on behalf of the Communist Party of Peru Shining Path. Sendero Luminoso did not want the democratic system, would not alternation in power, did not want foreign investment, no wanted free trade treaties of developed countries, wanted a government of terror, an autocrat in power. Ollanta Humala wants the same and together with the President of Bolivia, which more like a restaurant waiter, a statesman, want to destroy the country.a That’s what he wants, Hugo Chavez, financier of the protests in Peru, a military out of their country looks like a thug in the Barracks of Callao, but not a president of the republic, if you can so call today to Venezuela that the rules with an iron fist, killing and appropriating journalists which thief of the social media does not like.

A friend you Europe, Latin America and Peru, I tell them that in Peru the only thing wrong is to allow the presence of subversives in Congress, unions and communities in the Andes and the Amazon. Should work with the national intelligence services to locate, capture, report and imprison all the promoters of chaos, disorder and confusion, making apologies for the violence and seek to overthrow democracy in Peru. a Show your love for Peru defending the democratic system, economic model and do not let word for communists, who call themselves nationalists, patriots of the XXI Century..