Grows quality monitoring telephone customer dialogue, social media weakens Tubingen, June 16, 2011 the awareness of the need to measure the quality of customer communications and to improve permanently, stretches in a growing number of companies. The almato GmbH comes to this conclusion. However, this development is currently mainly for telephone customer dialogue. According to a recent survey by the dpa subsidiary Newsaktuell and fact Kontor, it looks still quite poorly in terms of social media when it comes to systematic monitoring of communication. Almost 75 percent of the companies therefore fully waive the observation of social media. “” However the qualitative monitoring of social networks keep still about three-quarters of respondents for important “or even very important”. At every third companies surveyed at least free monitoring applications are used, to get at least a rough quantitative insight about the brand, products and services in the online world assesses and comments are. The study shows that quality monitoring is still in its infancy in the social networks.
But even if companies use tools, not only quantitatively, evaluating, for example, posts and tweets but also qualitatively, then still wondering how much dialogue here actually takes place and is measured. Communication via social media has very little with a genuine and timely dialogue in many cases together”, says Peter s. Hall, Managing Director of almato GmbH and expert for quality monitoring. Customer dialogue is still always mostly in real time the telephone contact between companies and customers. There are tools that allow in-depth qualitative monitoring, and which are also constantly growing in popularity. This is especially true in the contact center industry.” For example, the automatic recording and timely evaluating of the service calls provide contemporary quality monitoring systems for telephony.
The staff can initiate these processes even and thus better identify themselves. A random number generator is used, a maximum of objectivity is guaranteed. A system also creates the full integration of interactions with customers and evaluations of the behavior, then an optimal training effect. In addition, such solutions enable also a targeted, needs-based and customized distribution of information directly to the workplace. In addition, you ensure an up-to-date and consistent level of knowledge. Also modern coaching solutions allow the team leaders, perform daily personal coaching, without neglecting other tasks. Coaching staff in telephone customer service and quality monitoring systems are not new phenomena, but their connection and focusing on new factors is the key to highly qualified and motivated employees”, reports Peter s. Hall. Where in the past decisions have determined the main focus on the minimization of costs and resource needs was first class service by first class agents hardly possible. “Also was the sole measure of the number and duration of interactions in the customer service not meaningful and helped rarely makes sense to capture and increase customer service.” Integrated solutions on the other hand, the telephone quality monitoring and coaching connect, focus not only on numbers, but optimum results and developments. While play also quantitative elements, such as the number and the duration of customer interactions are a role, but they with other factors such as customer satisfaction and progress of the agents linked to obtain meaningful results.