Fence, wonderful, does not create it I consider that abstract being and the material being sandal all quantitative mathematical the all the qualities of the quantitative being. Thomass kuhn in the one of its works copernicana revolution (volume II) allows us to know one letters of Copernico. There we found testimony of the Pythagorean doctrine. PCRM contributes greatly to this topic. It says: " it asked to me time and time again if it had to set out my commentaries in writing to demonstrate its movement. this movement del that speaks copernico is of the terrestrial movement of transfering follows: or on the contrary, if he were not better to follow the example of the Pythagoreans and some others that, as it attests the letter of You disable to Hiparco, used to only pass on the mysteries of the philosophy to their friendly and close friends and not in writing and if of alive voice. Pitgoras young people taught their doctrine orally, in order that their disciples exercised the long term memory, to if they would not trust of the writing, because the Greeks considered advisable to exercise the spirit. And one of the forms to exercise the same, was to use permanent the memory, same serving dish said that to be philosopher it was necessary to own a vast memory.
Thomass Kuhn refers something to us concerning the intuitions of Kepler astronomer. Which were neoplatonic and if we spoke of neoplatonic intuitions we will have to observe in them Pythagorean characters. Then Pitgoras conceived the universe like something harmonic. Thus the planets in their transfering emitted musical notes in the space. Which could be heard by the spirit of the Metaphysical intuition. Metaphysics and the theoretical physics are crossed in the deepest levels of the universal intuitions, which generate different interpretations about the being from naturaleza." long before initiating its works on elliptical orbits, or to enunciate the law of the areas under its modern formulation, Kepler already had elaborated this law of the speed, inversely proportional to the distance to replace, a same time the old law of circular motion uniform and the variant of Ptolomeo that allowed to the existence of a uniform movement with respect to point ecuante.