Modern Technologies

If the studio at the same time receive a large number of orders, it will allow her some time "to stay afloat, but today most studios are no longer competitive and close. The most effective way out of this provisions will be separation of duties. For example, instructing the process of developing the site of partners, you reduce the risk of bankruptcy, will reduce them virtually to nothing. Having entered into partnership with one of the large companies, you will be able to engage only in marketing and consulting clients. The development site will take on a partner. And while your studio will consist of only one man and work in peace without an office. How does pay specialists, which deals with technical issues? – You ask.

I was expecting this question, because I once asked him too. Modern technologies allow to automate the the process of creating Web sites to remove from the technical process the majority of routine manual work, thus saving the time of the developer. There are systems that can help you create a professional website in a relatively short period of time. Create a system of forces only major firm in the state where there are real professionals. But, having spent time and effort once the company uses this system for a long time, while having high performance. Of course, no system will replace the work of the designer, creating graphical layout of the site, and the coder, the filling site content, and these works are usually charged separately.