My Father

The man just, many times mentioned in the Holy Writs, distinguishes itself for the habitual correction of its thoughts and for the straightness of its behavior he stops with the next one. ' ' You do not favor the poor person, nor you sanction the powerful one. It judges next as justia' ' (Lv 19,15). ' ' Gentlemen, from there to your servants and just equitable, knowing that it tend one Gentleman in cu' ' (CL 4.1) ' ' (CEC, 1807) ' '. It made reference of justice in at, the NT and the CEC. It mentioned the promotion of justice and the peace for the priests and seminaristas and turned on the word peace in the Biblical direction, where Jesus is ' ' Prince of paz' ' (Is 9, 5) and it is our justice.

He said that ' ' from it he is that we can say and suggest an educational formation in the level of the conscience based on principles as of the charity, of solidarity to reach the peace so sonhada' '. ' ' The goodness and the allegiance another time will be gone to join, justice and the peace of new will give mos' ' (Sl 84, 11). This, clearly, with the union of the men around exactly ideal one of life: the search for the peace in the land to live here perpetual in peace. &#039 was presented by Peter Walnut having for subject; ' Work and salrio' ' heading: ' ' The WORK To the LIGHT OF the SOCIAL DOCTRINE OF the IGREJA' ' – (06/10/2009) ' ' My Father works e, I also trabalho' ' (Cf. Jo 5,36; 10,25; 14,10; 17,4). The work to the light of the Social Doctrine of the Church leaving of the objective and subjective dimension was presented. The human work, as it was affirmed, has a dplice dimension: subjective objective and.