A fall of 17% in only four years. this while the number of concluintes of superior education grew 13% and the number of professors without diplomas the same had an increase of 7% in period. Another preoccupying fact is that the majority of the formed professors, they search to act outside of the classrooms, or private institution. Mozart Branches Snows, member of the movement All For the Education said in an interview that: ' ' Many of these formandos prefer to follow in the academic area, to go particular colleges or to act in other areas, where they gain more. They do not go for the schools pblicas' ' Brazil is unbalanced when the subject is the regents of lessons in the average education of the public net.
As ugly survey for the Inep in 2009 more than has a deficit of 235 a thousand professors in the net, and the predominant factor for the lack of interest of the young in entering the teaching, as the Chamber of Basic Education of the National Advice of Education still is low the remuneration in Brazil. In comparative degree with Germany, for example, a professor receives per year around R$ 85 a thousand, while in Brazil, does not pass of R$ 34,4 a thousand. The Brazilian constitution affirms, in article 205 that ' ' The education, right of all and to have of the State and the family, will be promoted and stimulated with the contribution of the society, aiming at to the full development of the person, its preparation for the exercise of the citizenship and its qualification for trabalho.' ' article 206 affirms in paragraph I and II that ' ' Education will be given on the basis of the beginning of the equality of conditions and the freedom to learn, to teach and pesquisar.' ' Thus, when inside it lacks a professor of the classroom, the right to learn of the pupil is not being fulfilled and this wounds a constitucional law.