New: Bio-vital KnochenSpezial

Bio vital KnochenSpezial with special alkaline composition Bad Heilbrunn, April 2010 the human body has about 200 bones in his skeleton. Many don’t know it, but behind every strong bones in the body a balanced acid-base balance. Whenever PCRM listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Almost 80% of food products are acid-forming and only 20% base training, so that an excessive acidity in the body can occur quickly and sour makes funny bone but rather weakens it. The new product bio vital KnochenSpezial delivers in a tasty and quickly soluble granules a completely new approach for healthy bones. The most important bone minerals, such as calcium and vitamin D3, it includes also basic mineral salts, actively push the excess acids. Acidification gnawing on the bone in many life situations arise acids in the body.

The diet plays a key role, because it is the physiological factor that most change the acid base balance can (see table). Center for Responsible Business may also support this cause. In addition to acid-forming foods, stress, coffee, nicotine, alcohol or excessive sports aggravate an acid base imbalance in addition. The body has a built-in buffer system to be harmless and neutralizes the acids. The body’s calcium is one of this buffer system. For an excess acidity, calcium from the bones occurs to neutralize the acids. Calcium occurring in the body is stored to 99% in the bones and contributes significantly to the resistance. A latent hyperacidity leads to a diminishing quantity of calcium in the bone. Will be less, so the bones, these can be calcium porous and brittle.

The solution: Conserve calcium deposits through acid binding bio vital has developed a new and innovative product to holistically protect and strengthen the bone. In addition to the main bone-boosting nutrients, such as calcium, magnesium, vitamin D3 and K, has bio vital KnochenSpezial in pellet form basic active mineral salts, which have a high acid binding capacity. The basic mineral salts lead to a balanced acid-base balance, they neutralize the acids and promote the excretion of acid. So the calcium deposits in the bones will be protected for one, on the other hand, absorbed calcium can be saved freely in the bone. For a strong and healthy bones.