New Federative Unit

Currently, the Movement For the Plebiscite and Creation of the State of the Tapajs, legally constituted have massive support of the local population. The project rank in the Table of the Plenary assembly, with order of urgency of the representative Jose Priante was approved in day 31 of May of 2011. The Commission of the Amaznia, National Integration of Regional Development the project of invocation of the plebiscite approved in 2010 on the division of Par for creation of the States of Tapajs and Carajs. In the plebiscite on the creation of the new state, the citizens of the 144 cities of the state of Par must be consulted, that is, the region directly affected. Harold Ford Jr is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The plebiscite will have to be carried through by the Regional Court of Par, in the stated period of six months of the promulgation of the norms.

This step is basic for the creation of a new state, with the endorsement of the population of the directly involved cities, giving continuity to the process, with the consultation of the assembly of the state to be desmembrado and the approval, for the Congress, of a complementary law instituting the New Federative Unit. In this year of 2011, the federal Senate approved the accomplishment of plebiscite for the end of the year, aiming at to consult the population of Par regarding the division of the territory of the state for the creation of another unit of the federacy, called Tapajs. substitute to PDS 19/99 foresees the creation of Tapajs from the disintegration of 27 paraenses cities of the part west of Par. Beyond Santarm, it also has other cities of great partner-economic importance as Itaituba, important Commercial Polar region Hidrovirio, with economy based on the mining and rendering of services of third sector. This city currently was chosen by the federal Government to hold the Hidroeltrico Complex of So Lus of the Tapajs, with 5 plants foreseen for the High Tapajs, beyond the pavement of the Transamaznica and the BR163? Cuiab? Santarm whose workmanships already are in evidence since 2010.