Nicolas Pepicelli

Although, as well, it is likely that inflation no longer grow, but currently continues with the scale of the year, placing in high levels. 2 Decrease in the price of Commodities: this is due to that the crisis affected countries which demanded large amounts of our exportable resources and speculators withdraw from this market returning to invest in safer countries. This decrease will affect accounts fiscal and external, reducing the surplus and leaving the Government with less margin of discretionary maneuvers. 3 Decline of economic growth: it clearly will affect the collection of taxes and desmejorara the fiscal accounts, in addition to the amount of employment will be reduced and the uncertainty of the Argentines again surfaced. 4 Industry: sectors of the national industry are suffering the consequences of turbulence, as they have begun to lay off staff and see a reduction in their sales which makes it impossible them to invest (investment escatimaban from always). This, convergira even more in economic growth slowing down even more. Now, it is observed clearly that the weaknesses are not set aside, more precisely, are imbalances that can affect the well-being of Argentine citizens. But, as the counterpart of these negative factors, there are some positive factors which attenuate the impact of the international crisis.

Strengths when we analyze the strengths, we must focus on factors that can serve as a barrier to stop or lessen the international turbulence. It is that model Kirchner with its two essential pillars, commercial and fiscal surplus, has some interesting bastions. These, echoing several opinions, in this case are voices from the Government, they are as follows: 1. level of reserves: these, amounting to the almost 50 billion, is an impressive fortress, although it is not the great wall of China. By this, the Government can act discretionarily for a time necessarily prudent and medium-term. These, are the result of the actions of government surpluses, and also by the growth of recent years. Thus, the Government is allowed to act on some variables for which the aftermath of the disturbance is not too deep.

2. The decline in the price of oil and Gas: this entails that the Government need to spend less money to subsidies to curb inflation, mitigating the impact of lower revenues for retention by the fall in the price of raw materials. 3 Minor imports: decline in imports by the lowest level of activity will be an important factor that will improve the shielding by the fall of exports. Thus, the country will benefit with respect to the trade balance, which may achieve does not fall into red or, if does, which is just orange. 4 External insulation: with regard to the closure of external borrowing by the deepening international financial crisis, Argentina is satisfactorily well. Well not you largely depends on, like other countries, global loans to meet its debt obligations and to finance their activities. Conclusion to conclude, we can say that if well Argentina is in a better position than when emerged the late 1990s crisis, because there is money to cope with a possible recession in the short term, also we must observe that there are some variables that, if they are not normalized and are balanced, draggable to the national economy of a debacle worse than expected.