Mother of Jesus Christ – the long-awaited baby in the elderly Joachim ("spell") and Anna ("Grace, mercy") – called the special called Mary, which means "glorification", "exalted" or "madam". Significance man in the ancient society grows according to his "fame". If the name did not contain the idea of patronage, his support was considered a commoner in genealogy or even negligible and not respected. A few names was given to important persons of recognized fulfill several famous cases, as much as his name. This custom is partially preserved in the Catholic Church, where a person is often three names: from birth, from the baptism of a child and from Confirmation for entry into the world with the grace of the Holy Spirit. In Japan, still has some distinguished and talented personalities have up to thirty names, replacing them one after another – at least change the profession of artist, poet, calligrapher, a warrior and other name is considered as if the personality.
"Touch" to a name meant to humans. In "The Second Book of Kings" tells us that the census itself was seen as enslavement, deprivation of personality – through disclosure of the hidden name. To change someone else's name mean he is forced to assign a new identity, new social envelope or indicate the loss of independence. " But in special cases, if the name is changed as call over – it suggested the Divine mission. Dove Apostle Simon ("voices heard"), the name of Peter ("stone"), Jesus showed that He, the Messiah, confers on him the duty to become a foundation, a stone church being built.