The Company COPEINCA its Social Responsibility program decides to improve the quality of life of its crew and workers and their families through self-employment initiatives, making the recipients to generate their own income, which we are greatly needed, especially in times closed.COPEINCA proposed Business Plan Competition, which awards the 10 best business plans with a zero-interest financing. It aims to improve the income of 119 beneficiaries among crew members and workers COPEINCA by generating self-employment. With the implementation of the project will benefit 10 fishermen and their families to be able to implement their business through credit extended by COPEINCA and it will have trained 119 fishermen and have a business plan that may not necessarily implement the loans but with other resources. These initiatives implemented by the Consortium: Union for Social Development – UNPADS, Proyectos y Soluciones Integrales SAC – SAC PROSOLINT, Center for Research and Economic Development, Social and Environmental – CIDESMA, Enterprise and Trade Solutions Choose SAC – CHOOSE SAC Silicium Group SAC and Orellana Relief Funded by Manrique and MINDES, FONCODES and SWISSCONTACT, improve the quality of life of beneficiaries and their families who are affected in times of closure on everything.Indirectly, these businesses will benefit others in the productive sector that we work as somehow engages in production and marketing chain, generating employment to another sector. Action taken: – Workshop Build a business idea. – Marketing Workshop. – Cost Workshop. – Advice on Business Plans. – Business Ideas Competition. Timeframe: April to August 2007. Locations of performance: Chicama, Bayovar, Casma, Huarmey and Paita.