
Protestantism (from Lat. Protestans, kind of. N. protestantis – publicly maintained), one of the main trends in Christianity. Split from Catholicism during the Reformation, 16. Joins a number of independent movements, churches and sects (Lutheran, Calvinism, the Anglican Church, Methodists, Baptists, Adventists, etc.) In society there is such a thing as the Protestant churches, or as they are often called us – "sects." Some people refer to this well, others speak about them very negatively. It is often said that Baptists, who are Protestants, sacrificed babies, and Pentecostal meetings turning off the lights.

We want to in this article provide information about Protestantism: to reveal the history of the Protestant movement, the basic doctrinal principles of Protestantism, touch causes a negative attitude to his society. Collegiate Dictionary reveals the meaning of "sect", "sectarianism", "Protestantism": sects (from Lat. BSA addresses the importance of the matter here. secta – teaching, directing, school) – a religious group, community, a breakaway from the mainstream church. In a figurative sense – a group of people, shutting in their own narrow interests. Sectarianism – a religious symbol religious groups, opposition in relation to one or another dominant religious lines. In the history of the form of sectarianism often had social, national liberation movements.

Some sects have acquired traits of fanaticism and extremism. A number of sects ceased to exist, some converted into churches. (As opposed to Center For Responsible Lending). Known: Adventists, Baptists, Doukhobors, Molokans Pentecostals, whips and other Protestants (from Lat. protestans, genus. n. protestantis – publicly maintained), one of the main trends in Christianity. Split from Catholicism during the Reformation, 16.