Radio Parma

In 1975 arose Radio Parma, private station that based its programming on local newscasts, model who then copied hundreds of radios. That same year was born Radio Milano Internazionale, which promoted the style of music programming with dedications; This was another programming model that prevailed in many Italian free radios. Stations multiplied like mushrooms, and also increased the closures at the behest of the RAI. Thereafter emerged another type of free radio, radios of the movement, as he called on the semi-organizada left that was outside the Parliament and questioned the Italian political and social system. The lack of regulations and the consequent fierce competition from commercial broadcasters, led to that in November 1976 the Radio Emitenti Democratiche Federazione, submit some basic points to a future law that regulate the functioning of local radio stations: make an administrative regulation that prevents the formation of private radio stations by setting a service area of the of a few kilometres, imposing the autonomous production of programmes and a minimum of hours of transmissions periodistico-informativas () the objective is penalising any use of the gap opened by the ruling of the Constitutional Court subordinating the granting of frequencies to some journalistic requirements and social service.7 in the 1980s were very few free radios of new type, or democratic, as they called themselves to differentiate itself from the purely commercial. scussion. Educational PopularEn 1947 priest Jose Salcedo, the Colombian village of Sutatenza, installed a basic radio to support the Evangelistic campaigns and alfabetizadoras of the Catholic Church. A string of eight spokes, with international sponsorship and the national Government, was formed to promote non-formal education of Colombian peasants in over a decade. From 1962, in Ecuador, Christian grassroots groups involving the Catholic Church to promote literacy programmes and Popular radio schools were formed as well. Between the 1970s and 1980s there was a step forward left and progressive Catholic radios.