
Undoubtedly, this city stands out due to the existence of the Golden mosque, Cultural heritage of Iraq, among other places of interest. Ancient city, which rests on the waters of the Tigris River, which was founded in the year 836. The city of Samarra, located in Iraq, only 100 km of Baghdad and belonging to the province of Salah ad din, is considered a region sacred and ancient, perhaps in large part by its Foundation, which dates from the year 836. Time later, more precisely in the year 852, rise that would be his monument of relevance, and declared by UNESCO, such as heritage of humanity: the mosque gilded, coated copper, which is now, unfortunately, in ruins, of which only remains to observe, a wall and the malwiyya minaret. Should be noted as a curious fact, that in 2007, this place has entered to belong to the extensive list of UNESCO as one of the places that are in danger of disappearing, and struggling to turn, to keep its archaeological treasure. The city rests on the waters of the Tigris River, and its population has a total of 62,000 inhabitants, whereas in the past, Samarra was dominated by Caliph-Mu’tadid, who along with his troops decided to then move to Baghdad.

Other signs of importance that bring to light the city, is the creation of Lake Tharthar, which brought about as a consequence positive, strong demographic growth in nature. He is characterized by being a Shia city, i.e., that there are numerous monuments and tombs dedicated to Shiite leaders that conformed itself, the majority in its structural Constitution. With regard to its political order and problems of this nature, have not managed to escape in a 2003, remembered invasion of Iraq by the us.UU., which caused not only the institutional defeat of Sadam Hussein, but more importantly, the death of thousands of people. This was the reason why the mosque was destroyed, but nevertheless, thanks to the economic support of the authorities in Baghdad, providing about 11 million euros for reconstruction. In terms of its cultural wealth, the people of Samarra is known for the technique of ceramics decorated with figures of birds, animals, messages and abstract designs, which in large part, many of those who practiced it, are influenced by the pottery of china. Rodolfo Lima, specialist in tourist messages. Original author and source of the article