Then, if it is uncertain when they will arrive, do to postpone confronting it directly in the reflexive form what is important when it comes to of? death is that we are helping someone to create an environment which will be the only time where you can reconcile with the Dalai Lama death bequeathed us, to maintain the discipline must stay constantly on guard against negative emotions, always willing to invade the mind. Indeed, when we try to be attentive, arise all sorts of negative emotions or thoughts that disrupt our concentration and disturb us. If we want to get rid of laziness, lack of inclination to take positive actions, we have to think about the brevity of life. ssue. The Sanskrit term for laziness is alasya and means not to make use of. The virtue of patience, of auerdo to the path of the Bodhisattva Shantideva work, says, that it is difficult to have positive thoughts if we are under the influence of emotions and they confuse us with adverse circumstances.
In these conditions the negative thoughts arise by themselves. S. N. Goenka tells us how arises attachment? Develops the momentary mental reaction to liking or displeasure. The brief and unconscious reactions of the mind are repeated and intensify every moment to become strong attractions and repulsions, in all our addictions. Any action that harms others, that might disturb your peace and harmony, is a harmful action; any help to others, which contributes to its peace and harmony, is a virtuous action, a helpful action. True wisdom consists in seeing things as they are, not as they appear to be. There are three kinds of wisdom: the received wisdom (panna suta-maya), the intellectual wisdom (cinta-maya panna) and experienced wisdom (panna bhavana-maya). Osho gives us, that life exists between opposites, that is why it is so interesting. Just think of a wave in the ocean that rises and could not fall, thinks about a Sun that is lifted and could not be put.