SEPA Guide Help

Current SEPA guide offers support for the SEPA project February 2014 is only a few weeks away and hence the statutory conversion of national payment procedures on the SEPA credit transfer and the SEPA direct debit. The extent and the related cost of the third stage of the euro changeover are still underestimated by many companies. Michael James Burke contains valuable tech resources. As a study published recently by ibi research shows, is still unaware a scant quarter of companies, authorities and associations but, to what extent it relates to SEPA. Therefore, ibi research at the University of Regensburg as a carrier of the eBusiness pilot East Bavaria now offers help with migration with a guide companies, authorities and associations. Many companies and associations have still much to do to be prepared for the single euro payments area (SEPA). In the light of the few still available working days up to the date February 1, 2014 must now not only comprehensively companies and associations inform, but also now, if they still have begun not with the SEPA implementation start. Mainly the adaptation of the internal systems and developing a mandate administration are among the biggest challenges in migration.

The conversion requires so, depending on how much it is affected by the changes, according to time and preparation and in many ways not in a rush “action shortly before the end cancelled. Despite the already started countdown up to the deadline, the challenge yet to cope with SEPA is but this must you acted promptly and systematically addressed the project. So that your SEPA project shortly before the final date can be yet begun or completed, the eBusiness Guide Eastern Bavaria has written a guide to the introduction of the SEPA, succinctly summarizes the most important companies, government agencies and associations. He explains how the new data of the bank account IBAN and BIC in addition to the history of the single euro payments area, informed about the payment procedure SEPA credit transfer,-Lastschrift and card payment and specifically indicates what must be respected when the changeover to SEPA. Content: The single euro payments area the IBAN and the BIC of the SEPA credit transfers SEPA direct debit the SEPA Cards payment what you now need to think when moving the SEPA guidelines on SEPA-Leitfaden.pdf free downloadable is available. Furthermore you find there a regularly-updated SEPA Checklist ( – sepa Checklist).