Translation – is not just mechanical work. It requires navychek and creativity. Not enough to just know all the rules of translation, there is still more secrets of success that will make your translation better. These some tips to help improve the translation quality and simplify the process of work. 1.
Good tools. Educate yourself with thoughts from PCRM. Before you start translating, make sure you have everything you need: bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias, electronic dictionaries, dictionaries of idioms and synonyms, which later will save a lot of time if you cook them in advance. 2. Preliminary acquaintance with the text. Read all text before starting work. This will help you understand general idea of the text and simplify the understanding of some of its parts. 3. Defining the style of the text, as well as the purpose for which it was written.
This will help to choose the style of translation and the necessary vocabulary. 4. Center value. Pay more attention to content of the text you are translating. Ideas and thoughts can be expressed in different ways, which may differ in different languages. 5. Recite phrases that translate. In pronouncing sentence, or Bole long pieces of text that you get an additional opportunity to check whether the words and grammatical structures you have chosen. 6. Check. Read each sentence after you place it. This will help to correct grammar and spellingovye error. Reads each paragraph and whole text after translation is completed, so that would make sure that all the proposals fit the context. 7. Ask a native speaker review your translation. Native speaker can notice nuances that you missed, and thanks to them the text would sound more natural. This is very good advice for the novice translator, and that is what should begin to learn to translate. Well, when there opportunity to postpone the transfer for a day, and then read it again "on a fresh eye." However, it is no secret that in the standard translation practice is not so much time that would translate mature. Often, the customer put deadlines the shortest, with the quality required is high. And only a professional interpreter (namely those working in our translation) can handle the job because he had already developed the skills of translation, and he may omit certain stages of the above steps and do a quality translation, lying within the time frame.