Brazil for return of 1850 already officially taken to follow I pass through in it international of slaves, and quandos the governing in finished certain the circonstancias measured can be applied, this were the case of the insteno pass through of it. Our parents had been marked for the justice of racism and for the exclusion of the blacks the discomfort, in the truth, denounces our indefinio by means of the idea of the racial diversity, the values of our culture integrally does not produce the ideas of our science, our racism came folloied of its contradictory: the miscegenation. The cordialidade the one that Buarque if relates this impregnated in the soul of the Brazilian whom it aims at to take advantage, being cordial and searching the interest proper, of deep emotivo and validates, civility, contracts for it, controls the emotions in accordance with the conduit rules. For the man cordial the life is a fear overcoming that it feels obtains exactly, the cordialidade and the transposition for the society of the stigma (patriarcal family, that is, a sociability of bows communitarian, from there the search of the intimismo in the treatment excused to the authority. This type of (social filiation) of the agricultural one for the urban e, for extension, to the power distance the social life and politics that they possess normal. According to Sergio, even in the religious ceremonial data our character cordial, in them do not please the abstract ritual. Conclusion We conclude that these authors when writing these workmanships from the decade of 1930, UNIVERSITY ANHANGUERA- UNIDERP EDUCATION CENTER COURSE OF SOCIAL SERVICE AUTHOR ANA CRISTINA DE A CRUZ SAINTS Social Organization in Brazil 3 semester DOURADOS-MS GLORY the 2011 last workmanship have in the distance left of the workmanship are (our revolution). That revolution would be this? To (fashion of the house)? It is treated to demonstrate that the ticket of the agricultural society for the urban one determined the patriarcal decay and the city (commercial) started to reign politically social in other molds, afeitos to the modern world and more than what this, was necessary to breach with the Iberian roots of form to inaugurate in the Brazilian culture a new style of social behavior, emphasizing for the American style where the collective values prevail.