However, if we will have in the school the chance of terms for close a dynamic and modernized structure that takes care of to the necessities for one better communication, good part of the education difficulties and learning and qualification for use of the new technological ways, could easily be cured, therefore the individuals would leave the school with a better qualification and most prepared to face new problematic social and the cultural ones that if they had installed throughout the years. Therefore, it is considered important that the school takes initiative to insert in its proposal pertaining to school digital technological experiences and of communication, as the implantation of Free Radios WEB using Softwares in its computers, that allow to the faculty and learning of the institution, the process for the taste, the action of making and knowing new information constructing, in such a way, its knowledge. This process cause a growth and matureness, making with that the actions changed each time more, in concrete changes in our society. For this it is necessary that educators, pupils, controllers, professors, conscientious of its relative papers, can weave, through the debate, of the reflection and collective production to know, of the ethics and the aesthetic one, to extend its meshes, being conclamando desires and action of the society in general and them to be able public around objectives and transforming goals of our society, generating social, educational and technological transistions. Cultural production The media and the young generate, through the decades, favorable movements the quarrels of subjects for the whole world, and the contents of these quarrels bring up to date, to each new half appeared, the radio and the Internet. Plato warned prebusy, against the perigos of counted histories of monsters for old you love to the children and young of which they took care of, and also, or also in Rousseau, that feared books, as agents of atrofiao of the impulses natural of the young, in its doctrines boats and enfadonhas.