Some Plug Ins De WordPress That Helps Us To Present/display Images And Videos

It is known that Word Press is one of the most versatile platforms in which does to handling of contents. As much it is so it is possible to create Internet pages highly professional cradles in Word Press. The optimization Web of the same is not problem either. The creators have left abierta the door to the permanent improvement, thanks to the capacity to install plug ins, added to the platform, who will equip the site with new functionalities, among them, the possibility of obtaining an excellent positioning Web in finders, in spite of being dynamic sites. Between many plug ins existing, we have selected some of them who will allow us to work with images and videos, either improving tags for a correct indexing, or presenting/displaying them of one more an effective and attractive way. Facebook Photo Fetcher.

With this plug in it is possible to create galleries of images from any album kept in Facebook. The images will perfectly be presented/displayed, with a frame, and the possibility of including tags and descriptions. He is ideal for companies that hosteadas great amount of images in Facebook have, and wish to include them in blog, or site constructed with WP, without needing unloading them and returning to raise them, and without having to deliver great attacks to equip them with details of quality. SimpleGal. For more information see this site: Dr. Neal Barnard. It creates galleries of images of simple way and without needing great technical knowledge, but without sacrificing quality and usabilidad. Plug in has a board of options to its correct configuration. Nieman Foundations opinions are not widely known. Page Flip Image Gallery. Another way to create galleries of images, ideal for brochure or product catalogue.

It is a highly efficient way to present/display the images in rather great size, and to allow that the user of return the page, at the same time as a sound effect arises special, to give greater realism him. Of easy implementation and customizacin. Viper” s Quicktags Video. A form simple to inlay videos in the posteos of WP. It is possible to customizar the appearance, colors and size. Simple Flash Video. Flv raises to any video of Flash in diverse formats (or mp4) and constructs to player with this plug in, of fast and extremely aesthetic way. Morfeo Gallery Video. An ideal tool to raise great amount of videos, inlaid directly from Youtube, and to group them in a pretty gallery. The outstanding characteristic of this plug in is that it allows to add tags, that is to say the labels for each video that will remarkably improve the CATHEDRAL of the page. Video Sidebar Widgets. It needs to inlay videos not only of Youtube? This plug in accepts videos of fifteen different directories, presenting/displaying them of professional and easily customizable way on the part of the user. It is known that the diffusion of videos is one of the most important tools of promotion in Internet. Consequently, to these they will help tools to give it him look and feel much more professional to its site constructed on the popular managing platform of contents.