At this accurate moment, they keep you everything together for Its power. To recognize that God has the domain is crucial to allow that Jesus Christ is you of our money and ownerships. If we want to be following genuine of Christ and libertos of Mamon, we must transfer the domain of our ownerships to the landlord of the Son of God. ‘ ‘ Thus, therefore, all that one that amongst you does not resign to everything how much has, discpulo’ cannot be mine; ‘ (Lucas 14:33). Check out Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine for additional information. In my experience of 25 years serving the God, I discovered that It tests us some times asking to us if we have the desire to renounce all more our wanted ownerships. A classic example of the Holy Writs is of the moment where the Abrao said to you: ‘ ‘ It takes your son, your only son, Isaque, to who you love offers it in holocausto’ there; ‘ (Gnesis 22:2).
When Abrao obeyed, demonstrating its desire to resign to the well most precious one than possua, God provided a lamb for offers, and Isaque was not sacrificed. You everything for our lives will provide to be dared to obey and to trust it as Abrao! The great truth is that, through ours to have and corporeal properties, let us demonstrate the Mr. who we above all recognize them the landlord on our life and that from it we receive. When we deliver the primcias duly we honor our God (Prv.3: 9). He is unnecessary to remember that the tenth is an order the holy ghost and is not restricted to the Law Mosaica. Therefore Abrao, that lived 500 years before the decreement of the Law more than, adored the God with its tenths (Gn 14,20).