The finalsticos programs deveriamneste moment already to enunciate with objetividade its intentions treating the formaoeducacional for productive activities based in the characteristic regional epotencialidades with incentive to the empreendedorismo destasmesmas inside characteristic; independent social equalization of classroom, sort, raaou regional origin; formation of the citizenship in all the levels implemented comodisciplina in the public schools including the universities, the empresaspblicas and incentive also for formation in smulti-national the private companies of the micron who use Brazilians; to form capable people of entendere to practise with igualitria justice its rights and duties in the conviviality with osseus and the society and the institutions, desalienadamente and with constructive visocrtica and of personal and social impact. Allocation of Resources for Regions In the allocation of resources for regions, still pra prevails deformed hegemonic all the programs, more resources for the Sudesteembora region the differences between values more is reduced as it shows the quadrocomparativo below: Finalsticos programs Southeastern Economic Infrastructure 39% Southeast 25% Northeast 24% Northeast 10% North 17% North 13% South 13% South 8% In the economic infrastructure still we have the seguintedistribuio of resources: National 24%, Exterior 16% and Center-West 4%. Noh an immediate justification for the consideration of these values. Some of the defined with priority goals, related aocrescimento of the GIP and to the control and fall of the inflation had had to the end of this PPA, an effective improvement statistics as it shows the picture below: Year parmetro2 2003 2007 20093 Tax of Growth of the GIP 0.55% 5.40% 4.00% average Inflation in year 8.17% 4.38% 2.90% Complementing the picture of with priority goals planoestabelece the creation of 7,8 million ' ' ranks growth comgerao of job and income, sustainable and ambiently reducing social dasdesigualdades and 3 Mega-Object promotion and expansion of the citizenship efortalecimento of the enterprising capacity. Mega-Objective 1 is where they are great part of the finalsticos programs quebuscam to take care of the demands of the society. .