The free Advisor informs about dubious trends and products in the capital market of Seligenstadt September 2011. A new form of asset investment finds its way into everyday sales: the share loan. This variant of participation may be unknown to most small investors, has mainly rogue distributors of but increasing popularity. Good reasons: the share loan requires no prospectus according to the sales prospectus Decree. The free Advisor informs about this questionable product type. Again and again, reported various forms of involvement of free consultants and informs about the risks. More information is housed here: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger. Now the free consultant has all common variants analysed for its readers, including rights – seem, silent partnerships and also Kommanditbeteiligungen. Now comes with the so-called profit-participation loan”a new variant on the market.
Hardly an investor has ever heard this word, hardly anyone can explain what it is. Traditionally, provider looking for a Investment that is easy to sell. And that certainly applies to the share loan. The free Advisor knows the reason: providing a profit-participation loan requires not even a prospectus referred to in the sales prospectus Decree of the Bundesanstalt fur Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BFin). This saves you effort, cost, and of course also the arduous task to meet the requirements of the State the provider. But what is now actually a partiarisches loan? The share loan is a normal principle”loan, rather than the usual either exclusively, or at least for the most part is granted a revenue share.
The lender is although not involved in the company, its revenue but nevertheless directly depend on company profits. Usually, the company admits a fixed interest rate on the artist in addition to the profit-sharing. In this way, he has the opportunity to achieve more than the usual loan interest, the Companies, however, is only obliged to pay a rate adapted to the company’s profit above the fixed rate of interest.