The more it is walked by the forest, the more firewood is. Russian proverb. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Viktor Mayer-Schönberger by clicking through. In Nicaragua, like in the other countries of Center America, Latin America, each town celebrates to its Santo Patrono or Santa Patrona. Those celebrations can expand of one to three weeks and include equestrian processions of the Saints, roundups, parades, fireworks, etc. the certain thing, that in this month of January, specifically during the days between 17 to the 27 they celebrate the Supervisory Celebrations of San Sebastin 2010 in Diriamba, city that is located in the department of Carazo, to 41 kilometers to the south of the capital, in a zone very privileged person, of pleasant climate, a little cold, where its people very amiable, with beautiful beaches and from luegocon excellent plantations of coffee. She is very well-known Diriamba for being the cradle of " The Gegense" or Male Mouse.The festival of San Sebastin is a gorgeous tradition that has stayed through passage of the centuries and that the inhabitants of Diriamba want that their children and generations conserve the future it. On the matter he knows himself, The Gegense is the first personage of Literature Nicaraguan.
Theater Obra represents the folklore of Nicaragua and has been declared by UNESCO Oral and Immaterial Patrimony of the Humanity. The work was written in Spanish and Nahuatl dialect by an anonymous author of century XVII One comments that these celebrations they are unique in Nicaragua and they are over any celebration of the country. On the matter she says herself to envelope, that very she is appreciated and celebrated by the Nicaraguans, who express his more authentic connections with their indigenous and Spanish roots. Many of the dances, songs and customs are true traditions that go back to hundreds of years when the first Spaniards arrived at Nicaragua. The celebrations are not a nostalgia act, but the integration of pre-Columbian rituals with the catholicism and its history is as fascinating as its colors, customs and music.