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Engineering Products

It seems until raining in the wet one to say that the esplendoroso success of the products of Apple must it genius of its cofundador Steve Jobs. But after all, what it has so of & ldquo; inovador& rdquo; in the way of Jobs to innovate? The model of Jobs seems to go in the contrahand of the practised one for the great majority of the technology companies, according to consultoria Booz & Company (2007) Apple is one of the organizations that less it spends with P& D in the world. What the idea leaves of that does not have a concrete relation it enters the high corporative expenses with research and the best ones resulted. & ldquo; It is the process, not it pocket, & rdquo; it concluded the Booz. Few know, but Jobs had as inspiration the HP (Hewlett Packard), company with strong culture of engineering, lead for engineers who create products. Culture based in the idea of & ldquo; science aplicada& rdquo; with focus to decide more practical and urgent problems. Jobs in such a way aimed at the excellency of its products, who convinced of that this vision is the main reason of the success of the Apple products.

& ldquo; Our objective is to make optimum computer of the world & ndash; not to be the richer greater or, & rdquo; Jobs said. To understand a little of the model of innovation for which Steve took the products of the apple to the overwhelming success, we go to analyze 2 points key of the process: Archetypes: The designers of Apple gave to life the ideas of Jobs (the hardware and software) in form of archetypes. They received constants feedbacks and they improved the archetype, such process generated some prototipadas versions of one same product, what he helped in the final decision of Jobs before continuing for the next steps to the manufacture. Deep contribution and simultaneous Engineering: During the process of design, the products that are in development are changed between teams (designers, engineers and programmers) and reevaluated constantly, for finally, had arrived at the advertising executives. It is technique makes with that the product is developed simultaneously under different perspectives and uses the strong concept of & ldquo; process of design not sequencial& rdquo; , well contrary concept to the practised one in the industry. What we can learn and place in practical in our current professional scenes? Is validates a reflection all any that is its area of performance, therefore beyond the technological legacy left by Jobs and materialized in the products of Apple, we have a great legacy of knowledge on improvement of processes and innovation of the productive chain analyzing its processes and being felt inspired in its success.