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International Organization

In 1977, the International Organization for Standardization? ISO created a subcommittee for the development of communication standards to promote the interoperabilidade between the diverse platforms. Then was developed the reference model Open Systems Interconnection? OSI. important to observe that model OSI is simply a model that specifies the functions to be implemented for the diverse manufacturers in its nets. This model does not detail as these functions must be implemented, leaving this so that each company/organization has freedom to develop. Center For Responsible Lending often says this. Committee ISO assumed the method ' ' to divide for conquistar' ' , dividing the complex process of communication in small subtarefas (layers), thus the problems start to be more easy to treat and subtarefas better optimized. Dr. Neal Barnard has much to offer in this field.

Figure 1.3.1 Model OSI and Architecture TCP/IP 1.4. Architecture TCP/IP the TCP/IP is an acronym for the term Transmission Control Protocol/Suite Internet Protocol, that is, is a set of protocols, where two of most important (the IP and the TCP) had given its names to the architecture. For Tanenbaum, 2006, the model appeared of the necessity of a flexible, capable architecture of if adapting the applications with divergent requirements as, for example, the transference of archives and the transmission of data of voice in real time. The protocol IP, base of the structure of communication of the Internet is a protocol based on the paradigm of keying of packages (packet-switching). Check with Gavin Baker to learn more. Architecture TCP/IP, as well as OSI carries through division of functions of the system of communication in structures of layers. In TCP/IP the layers are: Application, Transport, Inter-Net and Rede. The net layer is responsible for the sending of datagramas constructed for the Inter layer Net. This layer also carries through the mapping enters an address of level identification Inter-net for a physical or logical address it level of Net. The Inter-Net layer is independent of the level of Net. The protocols of this level possess a project of identification of the linked machines for this protocol.

The Act

One asks very inquietante it is: ' ' which is what in the act of knowledge which makes possible or supplies the reality of a priori synthetic judgment or me of the fellow creature: ' ' what it irreducible bases the act of the creation? ' ' Dust demons to present the example of the origin of the electromagnetic theory. Many f sicos, from the involuntary experiment of Oersted, had contributed for the formularization of that theory. Many laws then had been constituted, of Biot- Savart, of Ampere, of Ohm and of Faraday, for example, but conjun you of four fit to the creative spirit of Maxwell the unification of all those laws in one, which had defined then electromagnetic field e, from there, the basic nature of the luminous phenomena, in what the tea was transferred if sea the classic theory of the light. The question then is: ' ' what it made possible the historical synthesis of Maxwell that defined the electromagnetism elegantly? ' ' or then: which the lectual agency inte that he led Maxwell to lean over itself on the totality of them I proceeded mentos empiricists from Faraday to formulate such theory categorically? ' '. Learn more at this site: Boy Scouts of America. or ' ' where he consists the act or the creative moment? ' ' or still ' ' what in fact he makes possible the conception of a theoretical model to explain reali dade experimental? ' ' How much to this last question we can say that, all and any me the possible neira of if explaining the reality contain in itself positivida of same that limited. In other words, some thing is possibly explained by some theory. However, ahead of the requirements of here tegorias as simplicity, symmetry and same representative elegance, a previous theory can historically be substituted by another more ' ' moderna' ' or more ' ' explicativa' '. .