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The extension reaches peak in the forties, but it was not possible to stop being characterized by a culturalist approach, shows and demagogic, however left a positive impact on the social recognition of the university. The creation of the Universidad de Oriente in 1947 and Las Villas in 1952 joined in this effort, with significant limitations allowing it reached other parts of country. With the coup of Fulgencio Batista on March 10, 1952 and the resumption of the struggle to realize the triumph of the Cuban Revolution from July 26, 1953 Assault on the Moncada Barracks, led by Fidel Castro, Cuba looms in a revolutionary situation, revolutionary situation that makes the extension activities virtually disappear by the end of the decade, the revolutionary struggle product to the strategy devised and implemented by Fidel Castro's revolution triumphed curdles in the first of January 1959, revolution officially confirms the existence of three universities in Cuba, Havana, the de Oriente and Las Villas. We can not talk of University Extension at Revolution comes to power, but the University Reform of 1962 confirming the extension as a substantive process of the University, creating an entire university-level structure to manage this process. With the revolution in power, and from the Reformation to create the conditions for the development of the universalization of Higher Education: The Globalization of Higher Education is a continuous process of transformation that began with the triumph of the Revolution in 1959, and led to the expansion of possibilities and opportunities for university entrance and multiplication and extension of knowledge, thereby contributing to the formation of a general culture of the population and a sustained social equity and justice in our society the Cuban higher education universal university extension becomes universal, the universal extension dialectically incorporates all past experience and apply it creatively in new concrete conditions, a concrete example is: THE PEOPLE'S UNIVERSITY JOSA Mars The Popular University Jose Marti was inaugurated in the Aula Magna of the University of Havana on November 3, 1923, with a 400estudiantes enrollment (workers and workers), working in the classrooms of the Faculty of Law at night. Mella, its creator and organizer, then indicated the extent that would have the new educational agency, whose statutes were established two basic principles: antidogmatism scientific, educational and political, and social justice. He argued that culture should be the heritage of all humans. Acaho understood the implications. This is a night school for workers, founded to deliver the next generation of the prejudices of the old school. This school should take into account the needs of those most useful cultural knowledge, since there were no immediate conditions to create a technical education that would give impetus to the gradual development of proletarian work and thought. Mella makes clear its goal to raise: To prepare these new generations is the task undertaken by the Universidad Popular Jose Marti, she has faith in the new principles, men who think new and act again, jumped, then, above who believe that now is perfect, sacrifiquemonos, not for the sake of sacrifice, but for the pleasure that is experienced to do a good deed. Defend the light of knowledge that illuminates the glorious morning, and, guided by their splendor and Armando Miranda Miriam Pi, graduates in education, specializing in history, with 20 years experience in education.