Tag Archives: business plans

Business Plan

Why we need a business plan. Business planning, calculation of economic efficiency, risk analysis. In practice, even very common that new businesses start without a business plan. That is, no, that once a initially plan their business on paper, beginning to implement their projects with their heads once in life. Boy Scouts takes a slightly different approach. Therefore, the Europeans have created a special standard structure of a business plan for countries such as ours named needs. This is the most simplest form of business plan. After reviewing several sites that are taught to write business plans, and in the very method in the first place, the first section put a resume. Although the logic should be summarized at the end of the work, summarize, okay if the standards are prescribed, it means that a summary is in the beginning. To what do need a business plan. Yes, a well-written business plan can ask for money not only from the bank, but the search of the investor. Business plan, its main part, a financial plan. Let’s see advertising business plans on the Internet – make up business plans, the price of such and such. So, you as the leader of the organization, hire consultants, who make up your business plan, and you’re happy go to the bank for financing. Bankers, people are not stupid, know how to take money, check out your business plan, recount, and on the basis of calculations conclude – to give you money or not. And if you go, for example, the private investors who do not understand what the internal rate of return, you will be able to explain to him that the project investment is attractive? Especially because to calculate net present value, gross profit, period payback – this for a good business plan is not enough. I often hear that the business plan – it’s all on paper but in real life will work is unknown.

Technological Development

In accordance with the Civil Code copyrights belong to the organization, unless otherwise approved in contract, but if you create a copyrighted work organization within three years is not patent-pending technology, the author has every right to patent it himself. If you are not convinced, visit Nieman Foundation. In such situations, intellectual property owners not stick spanner in the authors because kommertsializovyvat the product they can not. That's kind of a brain drain. They are followed by the patent holders, these are people who have received a patent, it need not necessarily be the author, because he may assign his right to obtain a patent. Further there are patent attorneys who on the basis of a patent attorney.

For foreign nationals involved patent attorneys need to Russian own citizens at will. Patent attorneys – it's often former employees of Rospatent, they know all the rules and methods of filing patents and work with them makes life easier . Next come the heirs to whom move on the basis of contracts of donation, and so on right to ownership of the right patents. State in certain situations, yet can not afford to patent its technology by the authors. This happens in cases when the very patent technology has information vital importance to national security. Further, society itself, upon the expiry of the possession of a patent becomes the owner of this technology, which contributes Scientific and . A patent is valid for twenty years from the date of filing, in some cases its effect can be prolonged for another five years, and then patent the technology is given to the public for consideration. It turns out that the patenting of the technology, there are four members – the society, state, author, patent holder. The author, a man invented a new technology, the new method has honor and respect, and the main cash flow from intellectual property flows into the pockets of the patent. Rightly or wrongly, I think rightly, because often the author does not know what the market, marketing, production, how to get the product where to get the money, without a good manager can not do.

Windows Computer

You will need a laptop – not of the newest and most advanced. The main thing that he had a COM-port ('dad' 9-pin (2 rows, 1-5 and 6-9)), the operating system is Windows 98 on your computer. All it will cost you between 10 – 15 thousand rubles. 2. Adapter 'KL-Line' for most cars, or 'K-Line' for domestic cars – they are required to connect the car to the computer. In finished form, they are in the range 2000-3000 usd.

But If you own a soldering iron, it is necessary you can build an adapter yourself. Cost of components within 300-400 rub. El.shemy adapters for each program are attached in the kit. 3. Special computer programs for diagnostic work with immobilizers and odometer. Depending on how, what models of cars you work, you need different programs.

Familiar with their name and description you can on our website. On first phase will require approx. 5000 rub. 4. Place for the diagnosis (garage). Costs for a place to work may be different. It all depends on your wishes and possibilities. If you are going to work on that principle, which we said a little earlier, ie together with the mechanic at his service station, the local cost will be minimal. You can either pay him a certain amount each month or give% of their earnings. 5. Funds for small initial advertising. Can get away with 5-7 thousand rubles. That is, in principle, and all. Assuming the maximum, you may well put in 1,000 euros. Now figure out how much time you return the invested amount, if simple diagnostic car without any repairs is not less than 200-300 rubles (depending on the region). Adjustment path will cost the owner of the car to 500 rubles. Now a brief about this particular service. The ethical side of the issue will be discussed? As soon as the odometers, so there were those who changed the testimony of these devices – so what are here to argue about? In other words – so do it. And the man who orders the service, not the one who provides. As you already understood – computer programs to change the odometer reading can also be purchased on our website. Adapters for use with the odometer is not difficult in the device. El.shemy also available bundled with software. Cost of the equipment (assuming that your laptop and place to diagnose you already have) to provide services for computer diagnostics to service station will pay you just after serving twenty-first customers. And then go clean profits. And note, no one says you have to work around the clock. So business as computer diagnostics to service station can do on the weekends or after the main work – for an hour or two a day. To begin with, the at least. Diagnosis of a car takes about 15-20 minutes. Ie with a good scenario, you may well earn for those 1-2 hours a day to 500-1500 usd. a day! Later, when you feel that this work brings you very good money – you decide how long to pay it.

How To Open A Dispatch Taxi Service

The essence of the taxi dispatch service is to combine private cabbies and through common standards and advertising work to do this business for them more effective. Dispatching service advertises its phone number in the media, is seeking applications and passes them on the drivers, and drivers pay for the cost of dispatch services given to them by the order. This may be a fixed fee, payment for output on a line or a percentage the cost of each order. As the driver stands a private person with his car. Dispatcher service may naturally possess its own fleet. Concluding a contract with the drivers, dispatcher can Of course, we have certain requirements for drivers, their appearance and means of transport. Ease of doing business, low initial investment, the demand for taxi service, fast roi makes this business is very attractive.

This kind of activity has its own advantages and disadvantages. Of the advantages can be mentioned – the low initial investment – the minimum office – easily scalable business to a significant disadvantages of business should be attributed, perhaps, only one – the high costs of advertising, due to high competition Dispatching taxi service acts as an information broker between the client (passenger) and driver. Received from the customer on the phone order is passed for the driver. At the same time dispatching service provides information and referral services as a customer (passenger), and the driver. For customer service dispatch service Free and paid to the driver. Payment of driver services for the transfer to him of orders is the main source of income dispatch service.

Super Effective Organization

After several years of observations of their own work, as well as the work of other people, I came to the conclusion that there are three main obstacles to effective discharge of their duty cycle at work in the field e-commerce. In this article I will show you all three obstacles, as well as give advice from experience, as you deal with them. This will help you to achieve sustainable results and continuous improvements in its daily work. Before we talk about the obstacles in the work we would like to identify two main areas of work in any business. You might think that such a myriad of directions, but in fact there are only two: Production and Admin. Whatever you do, whatever activities you do not engage in business, you will have to be sure that something good produce and good control over his business. Production of any form of your activities in which you create some sort of product or service, using their technical and professional skills. When you create something new – this is the production. Admin (administration) any form of your work, which aims to organize, optimize and good governance in your work. When you are doing something in order to develop their production, improve production, monitor the so that it did not fall, but only developed to work with consumers of its products, partners and staff – all of this is the Admin. Another important (third) time for your work – it's a cycle of action. .

The Stage

In short, let's finish the prolonged entry. Judging by the fact that you came to this site dedicated to business and stayed on it long enough to read this far – you did not come out of mere curiosity. And you need not be too long and detailed to agitate for the adoption of a fairly simple solution – try to find such an idea for business, a business model that will suit you. So what are we waiting for? Let's just try it. In any case, we all – adults sane people.

And it does not necessarily immediately give up work – how much would be boring and uninteresting it was not. Starting a business to insure – a very correct decision. Decision prudent and intelligent. It is these decisions you will make, doing business. And as you see – you have pretty well. There a great opportunity – to try yourself in the new case, try to implement a small business idea that does not require sverhusily and costly. Attempt – not exactly torture.

When the person has a computer, it is not immediately begins to perceive him as a new tool for earnings. But the stage when the computer – only a toy and a means of obtaining information – this stage passes quickly enough. Of course, if you are not 13 years old, you – an adult and preoccupied with finding extra money. You've heard of computer diagnostics of automobiles. This is – a good and promising business, car – one of the continually popular services.

Independent Businesses

We're just afraid to admit that the only real argument against an independent business is our reluctance to try their hand at it. So we are afraid of the business – or we are afraid of themselves in business? Another favorite argument of those who are afraid to start a business and looking for an excuse for your fear – 'train has already left. " Allegedly, there was a time when the business started was easy, when it demanded a small cost, and ready-made business could be built for a couple of weeks. It is an illusion, dear. No times unambiguously bad for starting a business. Each time, at every stage – its problems and its benefits.

Some things are easier to start earlier, some – today. If you prefer, you can find examples of businesses that could not realized only because just ahead of its time – more precisely, their time has not come yet. Further, as one of the ideas of business, we tell about a computer auto-diagnosis. To implement this idea five years ago, we need were the financial costs that are inaccessible to most of us. Today – it is almost ready to model your business, 'roll out' which can be during the week, with minimal investment.

And this is just one of hundreds of examples of we'll tell you. So, the answer 'I can not do business because it was too late to start' – is not suitable. I – open our main secret. No one answer as to why you can not do business – not fits.

Manufacturing Business

Business today is the hot topic for those who wish to acquire for themselves the conditions of comfort and security for tomorrow. Ideas and techniques of doing business are diverse, each chooses for himself the most interesting business. Same business, which will acquire growing prospects are very diverse. In order to find for itself a business idea, which would be developed, it is very difficult. And moreover, to invest huge capital, which are not justified, is not very promising. Proposal on how to start a manufacturing business, a lot, but not all are effective. In this article I will describe how to organize the business of furniture that is 100% successful. You may ask how producing furniture, if I do not know the production technology.

Technology production of furniture is very simple, the application of specialized software. Fabrication process involves several steps: design, material processing, assembly – the assembly resembles Lego. Without the use of the software can not do furniture shops. Program for furniture, made it possible to automate the process production, to accelerate the pace of manufacturing and gained wide popularity. The software today is a whole software systems, which aim to make the process without error. Applying software software, you can not mistakenly make furniture in the home, with minimal tools. And the process of furniture design is an art of transfiguration of your apartment. So that the program together and do their hands cuisine.