Tag Archives: cells

Better Living Through Chemistry

As a result of these doctors are scarce. By extension, the other thing you should know for certain is this: NOW is the time for us, the consumer, to take more responsibility for our own health! live a different approach in a society today that it is “Better Living Through Chemistry & Surgery”. Let’s consider a different approach? an approach that has worked for thousands of years? has made a huge difference in quality of life of people. AY THE VITALITY HEALTH IS ENERGY. That’s right. Health is not about “not being sick or tired, it is true, honest to goodness energy and vitality. It is great feeling! Is having a picnic day, receiving and making charges that the excess energy at the end! It’s about living life with enthusiasm and enjoy the process! is bouncing out of bed in the morning and roaring the other day, with so much energy that other people may ask, “What is you?! “This kind of life is no fairy tale or a dream but a reality, and there are many people who live well, not only for a week or two years, but every day of their life ! If you are not one of those people, there is something you should know: THE QUALITY OF OUR LIFE DEPENDS ON THE QUALITY OF OUR CELLS.

What are Cells? You and I, with 75 billion each. Everything living plant or animal is made up of cells. They are the building blocks of life.