Tag Archives: climate & environment

Christian Ulmen

…wie it works, when it works and if it works! Today as in the past, individual groups, or all of the population form to the protest in the street. Like almost everywhere else the Internet took but also a major role as a platform for various protests. There are two different protest actions actively tracked in the net in the rough: the protest mail offers the visitors of the page the way a mostly prefabricated text to specific, sometimes several, to send people. On the online petition is directly on the corresponding page the action online “signed”. Therefore, these online petitions are called online signature list.

Each of these protest actions depends on the number of supporters. Mostly due to the numerous revolt against a certain thing, such actions can make a difference? A leaked right, but rather under the heading curious leading protest action was the protest against the removal of the TV series “My new friend” with Christian Ulmen. Other actions Act of Animal welfare, such as the seal hunting, animal testing and whaling. In the field of nature protection involves including fuel consumption, climate change and forests. More information is housed here: Harold Ford Jr. Actions from the policy, such as the Federal Trojan, GEZ fees or land mines are also still quite often. A typical action is E.g. the protest against coal fired power plants. See many more mail protests and online petitions at M. Kuhlemann

Building Materials Clean

A new approach to cleaning our air found its way from the laboratories into practice now also in Germany. The technology is based on the principle of photo-catalysis of with the help of sunlight organic substances, nitrogen oxides and particulate matter, but also viruses and bacteria very effectively decomposed. So a coated surface of 100 metres is the location in 12 light hours to clean the same amount of air as seven large deciduous trees. This still relatively new in Europe technology is used today in a number of construction materials, such as such as self-cleaning clay roof tiles, paving stones, wall and floor tiles, or insulating glass. You may wish to learn more. If so, Dr. Neal Barnard is the place to go. But manufacturers of facade elements, noise barriers and precast concrete also working hard on the integration of new technology in their own products. Also the subsequent coating of surfaces is possible without any problems.

Facades, elements or roofs are thus self-cleaning, vermoosen and veralgen no longer and still provide good air. So that makes FA. NADICO in Langenfeld/Rhld. Since the beginning of the year service companies in the whole Federal territory in the application of photo-catalytic coatings from. Goal is to build of a nationwide network, make good air in metropolitan and industrial areas as well of course as on the land.