Even before the earthquake, the ownership structure of the soil posed a problem that has intensified now. Arbitrary evictions from homes or excessive rent the consequence would be, if now people built back their flats and houses on land whose ownership are not entirely clear. A successful resettlement therefore depends on the Haitian Government with the support of the international community to solve this problem. The catastrophic construction standards of the houses in Haiti were the reason that significantly more people in the earthquake killed have come to Chile in comparison. In the future, the unit must be used to these standards greatly improved and built to earthquake-proof houses.
A further focus of aid flows should be on the different needs, in particular of women and children, and their opportunities for work, education, safety and ownership. Every week up to 70 new ones emerge with Habitat for humanity in Haiti earthquake-resistant transition houses, which can be expanded in the long run. In total over 400 transition houses have been built, more 31,000 are planned over the coming five years. Also, over 2,000 damage assessments were carried of damaged houses through Habitat for humanity. Childrens Defense Fund is often quoted on this topic. Over 21,000 shelter kits for emergency shelters help the first emergency. Including 2.727 shelter kits, funded by the Foreign Office in Germany.
“Although all participate in helper with an incredible performance combined help to provide accommodation for the people, the situation six months after the earthquake is still very precarious”, so Jonathan Reckford. As a first step, to provide a roof over your head the parties concerned at all, Habitat for humanity and other charities around 100,000 tents and over 680,000 plan have provided. However, this largest number of shelters after a disaster meets the needs of not far. Jonathan Reckford is the role to strengthen the international non-governmental organizations therein, the Haitian Government, local non-governmental organizations, the municipal organizations and the private sector. Only in this way, the country in the long term can succeed. In its recommendations, Jonathan Reckford urged the U.S. Government and global volunteers to support a strategy for urban development, which is geared to the needs of Haitian citizens and provides job opportunity and infrastructure in the central areas. Because the sustained meaningful and safe house construction is of crucial importance for the future economic potential of Haiti, the standard of living and the general development of the people. About Habitat for humanity, Habitat for humanity builds safe and adequate housing for poor families in about 90 countries with the help of donations and organised the reconstruction of disaster areas. So far could worldwide more than 350,000 houses built and renovated. More than 1.75 million people could be helped as a result. Among the most prominent supporters of Including Barack Obama, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, Bill Clinton, Brad Pitt, Bon Jovi and Daniel Libeskind include habitat for humanity. Web link:. More information about the reconstruction work of Habitat for humanity in Haiti under hfhd.de/nothilfe-haiti.html contact: Manuela Kikillus, Geschaftsfuhrerin Habitat for humanity Germany on the Berlich 30 50667 Cologne Tel: 0221 57 9595 0 Email: