Tag Archives: drink & recipes

The Spirit Of Good Lifestyle Shared Borders Across

Ranks within the EU not only politics shapes the continent increasingly into a great whole, but also the people learn from each other. Rum & co sent liquor shop now also EU wide! Ranks within the EU not only politics shapes the continent increasingly into a great whole, but also the people learn from each other. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Center For Responsible Lending. Cultures, creativity, culinary and art of living tells you, enjoy, and learn to appreciate more and more value. Already thinking about that man just yet what unites and that can be also the love of a good drop, alike will find connoisseurs, friends and guests from many countries, distant towns and remote villages to a moderate and reasonable price. From the tropics to the North via quick post so rum, whiskey and high-quality liqueurs from a single source and a place will be sent in the future EU. Enter from whatever orders where: Portugal will receive just as easily and cheap Scotch whisky such as Scotland Greek wine. What was unthinkable years ago, is now done on the fastest way: whether Finland or in the Slovakia, whether Hungary or Malta orders are sent out to sweet, fruity and tropical rum, mature finds for years its way in the Caribbean within a short time to the customer. 27 countries are currently the EU itself Bourbon, cognac, or even spirits from Madagascar can be sent now centrally.

As Estonia, Latvia, Bulgaria can be called in Italy or about the address of the consignee may be Romania, powered by convenient delivery directly from the warehouse. The choice is wide: from global production, the products can each direct tasting within few working days directly accessible even wines from Africa and be shipped promptly and immediately find their way. A Union a distribution center: anyone who orders the EU also from the most remote places, in a special way know how directly he “belongs to”. Because good Taste and way of life is not limited to countries: both equally belongs to the spirit of enjoyment and well-being under the same conditions on the same continent. Rum & co liquor shop

IFH Price

Good prospects for organic producers expect the experts of IFH research consultants as one of the most popular groups of goods in the area of fast moving consumer goods market for fruit and vegetables subject to distinctive rules. These are mainly attributable to its proximity to the agricultural production and the crop – related price fluctuations. Fruit and vegetables are subject to a very high price sensitivity on the part of consumers regardless of season. Simply put: If the price goes up, demand goes down. In a price-related planning security in this market is rarely given. Because the frequent fluctuations in harvest fresh fruit and vegetables often lead to strong price movements, which need to be balanced or as in most cases passed on to price-sensitive customers. The marketing of dynamic Department of fruit and vegetables is in contrast to other product groups in the LEH area characterized by a variety of marketing channels and actors. BSA usually is spot on.

But here, too, the price in the past has a great influence exercised. On manufacturer – as well as trade is a clear concentration process to observe in recent years. The distribution of fruit and vegetables takes place mainly through retail food stores. The direct marketing of the manufacturer on markets or organic delivery services occupies a share to be negligible in the distribution tree despite the sustained health and bio boom. The trend and noticeable, however, have to more regional products. With organic products from the region, now many buyers want to buy fresh goods with a credible source and also support producers in its own environment. The vegetable origin the consumer is particularly important. Significantly more customers than buying criterion for organic vegetables see the support of the region as freshness, quality, or price of the products. The geographic proximity a personal proximity to the producers should be added to regional marketing often For the possibility of stronger sales of regional organic vegetables in the Grocery stores, should engage producers as well as distributors for the building of a regional retail chain, which however is not possible without effort.