Tag Archives: education

Learning The Italian Language

Method 1. Visit the places where they speak Italian. Have you always wanted to visit the ancient city of Rome. A description of the tourist guide ruins of Pompeii breathtaking. The fastest way to learn to speak in Italian – to travel to Italy and immerse yourself in the language. If you go to Italy, you can not only see the Roman ruins, masterpieces of the Renaissance, Raphael and many more, but you also learn how to pronounce specific Italian rrr! 2.Posmotrite way around.

Look for Italian speaking people in your own region, and start practicing with them in Italian. In many large cities have centers of Italian culture. 3.Slushayte way radio and watching TV One of the key skills in learning a foreign language is understanding the spoken language. Currently, many cable TV companies offer a choice of foreign channels. In addition, there are many Italian radio stations, which can be accessed via the Internet. Method 4.Filmy Cinema in Italian – is another great way to learn Italian. You may hear the speak Italian variety attori, at the same time coaching his ear.

Subtitles or dubbing is not desirable – they will only distract you. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as PCRM by clicking through. Method 5.Proverte your library Italian novels, travel guides and books describing Italy – a great way to enrich your experience. Read a book with a parallel text (one side in the Italian and the other – in Russian): "The Divine Comedy (La Divina Commedia), or the Emperor (Il Principe), or try reading a book today Italian literature, such as Enzo Biagi, Umberto Eco, or Oriana Fallaci. Method 6.Chitayte texts with Italian songs on the album cover Now that you know a little Italian, it's time to sing out loud Italian songs. Buy CDs with texts Italian songs (look online). Try to sing a traditional canzone napoletana or classical librettos of Italian operas. Method 7.Igry and Entertainment Learning a foreign language is not to be boring. Learn the jokes, puns or riddles in Italian, Impress your friends. Decide cruciverba (Italian crossword puzzle), or try your hand at La Routa della Fortuna. If you feel confident Improve your skills with the Italian il Motore Anagrammatico (anagram generator). Method 8.Ispolzuyte stickers. Learning a language requires creativity, so why not try something that amuse you and your family and friends! Boldly take your notebook with self-adhesive stickers, write to them Italian names of all that is in your home. Place your stickers with the words everywhere: in the kitchen, living room, garage. Whenever you see a sticker, say the word aloud, until you remember it. This is a great way to increase your vocabulary. 9.Skazhi way again, Samuele Do you have a favorite Italian expression? Did you answer: mille grazie, when someone is doing something for you? Every time you learn another important Italian phrase that you expand your vocabulary. Use phrases in everyday life, and soon you speak in Italian, as a mother. Method 10.Uroki Italian Sign up for an Italian language course or take private lessons. The structure and the program will help you develop a framework for successful language learning.


Protestantism (from Lat. Protestans, kind of. N. protestantis – publicly maintained), one of the main trends in Christianity. Split from Catholicism during the Reformation, 16. Joins a number of independent movements, churches and sects (Lutheran, Calvinism, the Anglican Church, Methodists, Baptists, Adventists, etc.) In society there is such a thing as the Protestant churches, or as they are often called us – "sects." Some people refer to this well, others speak about them very negatively. It is often said that Baptists, who are Protestants, sacrificed babies, and Pentecostal meetings turning off the lights.

We want to in this article provide information about Protestantism: to reveal the history of the Protestant movement, the basic doctrinal principles of Protestantism, touch causes a negative attitude to his society. Collegiate Dictionary reveals the meaning of "sect", "sectarianism", "Protestantism": sects (from Lat. BSA addresses the importance of the matter here. secta – teaching, directing, school) – a religious group, community, a breakaway from the mainstream church. In a figurative sense – a group of people, shutting in their own narrow interests. Sectarianism – a religious symbol religious groups, opposition in relation to one or another dominant religious lines. In the history of the form of sectarianism often had social, national liberation movements.

Some sects have acquired traits of fanaticism and extremism. A number of sects ceased to exist, some converted into churches. (As opposed to Center For Responsible Lending). Known: Adventists, Baptists, Doukhobors, Molokans Pentecostals, whips and other Protestants (from Lat. protestans, genus. n. protestantis – publicly maintained), one of the main trends in Christianity. Split from Catholicism during the Reformation, 16.

Perspective Adjustments

The average citizen to not be without boycott these institutions. Private schools are beyond the means of most families and there is sure to offer greater advantages than public research centers. Belief, awareness, intention. It is easy to see why incremental reforms are ineffective, the problems being sunk in the same mud of the old notion of human nature, which are inextricably linked. This approach and management and wrong of the problems, makes the conventional education has failed to teach some basic skills and to promote self-esteem. Maybe you considering that might be channeled to a deeper level and to a Universal education, then we could feel strongly entrenched.

Only a new perspective can generate new programs and make appropriate adjustments. Just as political parties fall outside the changes in the distribution of power. The struggle for change in education is not the first stage to the school. For example, dozens of educational administrators, researchers and university professors and teachers, are among the millions who are in the process of personal transformation. Not long ago, have begun to link between them at regional and national level with the idea of sharing strategies and to favor the teaching of what we all value most, with the development of freedom, hope, of consciousness, creativity and connections that lead to this.

Are you eager to share their findings with all his companions who are willing to listen? There are many old veterans of movements for the humanization of schools that were successful in some extent, learned a lot, a new force is also the new style of relationship between parents and educators.

Youth Movement

In 1990, discusses it happened it world-wide on the education for all, carried through in the city of Drip (Thailand). This discusses understood that the alfabetizao of young adult would have to be the first stage of the basic education, not being able to be separate of the one after-alfabetizao. The description of the education of young and adults in Brazil was given of the following form. In the years of 1946 1958, called campaigns of cruzades had been the 1958 carried through, had the intention of exterminar the illiteracy. In 1958, the national congress of education of adults was become fullfilled, who it counted on the participation of Pablo Freire. The national plan appears then of education, that understood the education of adults as education of base, from a vision of the causes of the illiteracy.

This plan was directed by Pablo Freire, but extinct for the coup d etat in 1964. During the military government campaigns had been carried through, as the cruzade of the ABC (Christian Basic Action) and later the MOBRAL (Brazilian Movement of Alfabetizao). In 1985, with the opening politics, the new government extinguishes the MOBRAL creates the foundation to educate. In the year of 1990, the government created the national plan of alfabetizao and citizenship (PNAC) that he was extinct, one year after its creation. In 2003, in the management of president Lula, it was creates the Program Brazil Alfabetizado and Aes of continuity of adult the young education of (EJA). In such a way it is justified long trajectory of the young education of adult. 3.2-A LDB AND ADULT the YOUNG EDUCATION OF E; The young education of adult (EJA) is a system of education used in the net publishes Brazilian, to include young and adults in the formal education. This modality searchs to develop the basic and average education of quality for that they had lost the chance to study at the time due.

Seven Secrets Of A Good Translation

Translation – is not just mechanical work. It requires navychek and creativity. Not enough to just know all the rules of translation, there is still more secrets of success that will make your translation better. These some tips to help improve the translation quality and simplify the process of work. 1.

Good tools. Educate yourself with thoughts from PCRM. Before you start translating, make sure you have everything you need: bilingual dictionaries and encyclopedias, electronic dictionaries, dictionaries of idioms and synonyms, which later will save a lot of time if you cook them in advance. 2. Preliminary acquaintance with the text. Read all text before starting work. This will help you understand general idea of the text and simplify the understanding of some of its parts. 3. Defining the style of the text, as well as the purpose for which it was written.

This will help to choose the style of translation and the necessary vocabulary. 4. Center value. Pay more attention to content of the text you are translating. Ideas and thoughts can be expressed in different ways, which may differ in different languages. 5. Recite phrases that translate. In pronouncing sentence, or Bole long pieces of text that you get an additional opportunity to check whether the words and grammatical structures you have chosen. 6. Check. Read each sentence after you place it. This will help to correct grammar and spellingovye error. Reads each paragraph and whole text after translation is completed, so that would make sure that all the proposals fit the context. 7. Ask a native speaker review your translation. Native speaker can notice nuances that you missed, and thanks to them the text would sound more natural. This is very good advice for the novice translator, and that is what should begin to learn to translate. Well, when there opportunity to postpone the transfer for a day, and then read it again "on a fresh eye." However, it is no secret that in the standard translation practice is not so much time that would translate mature. Often, the customer put deadlines the shortest, with the quality required is high. And only a professional interpreter (namely those working in our translation) can handle the job because he had already developed the skills of translation, and he may omit certain stages of the above steps and do a quality translation, lying within the time frame.

Dan Jabotinsky

If you are Jewish then you should stop eating meat. (and if you’re not willing to do so or you lack strength, try to not fill your mouth with values of our tradition. It is the divine desire.) The relationship between the Jewish worldview and environmentally friendly practices such as vegetarianism clearly for anyone to know minimally one and the other. It is noteworthy, however – and a little to our regret-that Jewish values are not replicated more often in their doctrines, and from there to the question of vegetarianism or concern for the environment as harmonic derivations of the same sound so little familar, so alien. But the truth is that a culture and its fundamentals are not their institutions, or their representatives, not even the facts through which are made known.

Who has taken a look at the book of Dan Jabotinsky, which recently was Editor (Participation), you will know that I recognize a germ of decline in our popular manifestation, and that I find a difference at all significant among practicing compulsive consumerism, abuse and mistreat with trash to your body, and do the same with what is outside of one (such as the environment and other beings who do not speak our language). Without going any further, and since we are versed on a topic that touches the food, would like to denounce the higher regulator of purity (i.e., Kashrut) has been corrupted: whether through the mentality that he brought to this medium the concept of LMehadrin or Glatt (which express a sort of extra kasher) – with which the binary system of kashrut is invalidated and things can be less kosher – or by the more general desapegamiento of this notion of behavior and righteousness and his constituency to the domains of the food. You don’t want to wander; only try to draw a faithful portrait (alive in the Holy Land, why can’t let me air of authority regarding some issues that others may forever rehearsing and still continue playing as a few summer holidays Menem in Miami) of a mind that that does appear to vegetarianism as something altogether alien to the heart of Judaism, when in reality, as I stated at the beginning, these saved a close and natural connection.

Study English In Toronto

If you live in Toronto you need to speak French. Canada is a bilingual country. Using the Google search engine it is possible to find many language schools that offer French in Toronto, almost all very expensive and not very affordable. But it is also possible to find Canada College of Education, which is known as CCE at 40 Wellesley Street East. Their prices are significantly lower, almost impossible to believe. We have learned that the cheap means poor quality, but in this case is not. There is an intensive French course that begins at 18: 00 and ends at 21: 00 hours twice per week.

The value of the course is only $7 per hour. Despite the rate so low, they give a very good teaching of the language and excellent services. The French teachers who teach there are very well qualified and native of France. They are well disciplined and hardworking. In general, after finishing four courses students are perfectly able to speak French. They can travel to France without difficulties or language barriers. Customer service It is excellent, friendly and helpful. The negative? Canada College of Education web site does not allow to sign up online, so it is necessary to register personally or by phone, but its excellent educational services justify all the inconvenience.

National Advice

A fall of 17% in only four years. this while the number of concluintes of superior education grew 13% and the number of professors without diplomas the same had an increase of 7% in period. Another preoccupying fact is that the majority of the formed professors, they search to act outside of the classrooms, or private institution. Mozart Branches Snows, member of the movement All For the Education said in an interview that: ' ' Many of these formandos prefer to follow in the academic area, to go particular colleges or to act in other areas, where they gain more. They do not go for the schools pblicas' ' Brazil is unbalanced when the subject is the regents of lessons in the average education of the public net.

As ugly survey for the Inep in 2009 more than has a deficit of 235 a thousand professors in the net, and the predominant factor for the lack of interest of the young in entering the teaching, as the Chamber of Basic Education of the National Advice of Education still is low the remuneration in Brazil. In comparative degree with Germany, for example, a professor receives per year around R$ 85 a thousand, while in Brazil, does not pass of R$ 34,4 a thousand. The Brazilian constitution affirms, in article 205 that ' ' The education, right of all and to have of the State and the family, will be promoted and stimulated with the contribution of the society, aiming at to the full development of the person, its preparation for the exercise of the citizenship and its qualification for trabalho.' ' article 206 affirms in paragraph I and II that ' ' Education will be given on the basis of the beginning of the equality of conditions and the freedom to learn, to teach and pesquisar.' ' Thus, when inside it lacks a professor of the classroom, the right to learn of the pupil is not being fulfilled and this wounds a constitucional law.

The Distance

Behavior of objects governed by the laws similar to the law of universal gravitation and Newton's law: – if the two sets of interacting objects, fixed relative to each other at a distance l between themselves, provided that their sizes are small compared with l, then between them there is the attractive force F (kq) (nq) / l 2, where q – process parameter (q = const), k and n – number objects in the collections – if the object moves in space and uniformly a straight line, then the forces acting on it are balanced, and the resultant force is zero – if the object moves along a straight line with constant acceleration a, then it experiences a force F (q / V) (3 / 2) a And (2) is proportional to the acceleration of motion. By comparing (2) with the expression for the second law of mechanics (F = m a) that the inertial mass of an object m (q / V) (3 / 2) is independent of V – Velocity of the object relative to the medium, it is assumed that the physical body, moving with variable velocity v, are composed of objects moving within these bodies with velocity V (own pace) with V>> v. It is important to note the following feature of the behavior of moving objects. If two objects are moving at a speed of V (here V – absolute value of the velocity of the object relative to the environment) along a straight line towards each other or in opposite directions, the force of mutual attraction between them F = Fo C / (C + V), (3) where Fo – the power of mutual attraction of fixed relative to each other's facilities, C – parameter depends the distance between objects (C> 0, decreases with increasing distance between objects).

Origin And Evolution Of The Hospital Classrooms

The current situation in Spain, you can say that it is at an important time because few hospitals today do not have a hospital room among its facilities. The process to reach this situation has been long and complex. At first classrooms at certain hospitals emerged spontaneously due to concerns by some in terms of school attendance of children who spent long periods in hospital, away from their environment and with the possibility of losing the school year. The first schools within a hospital come back in the fifties in centers linked with the Hospitaller Order of St John of God, as happened in Gijon Maritime Sanatorium which was carried by these brothers, work was continued in another of its hospitals , this time in Madrid in the Asylum of San Rafael. A few years later, around 1965, before the polio epidemic suffered by the Spanish infant population, there is a need to help these children not only from the point of view physician, but also from the school and education.

This initiative led to be opened a number of classrooms in various hospitals of the Spanish, particularly in the hospital in Oviedo, La Fe de Valencia, in Manresa (Barcelona) also under the Brothers of St. John of God and from Madrid: Baby Jesus, Clinical, Hospital Gregorio Maranon and the King, a dependent Classrooms Insalud, known then as the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, which will open the way to school attendance area of the hospital. You have to influence a primary fact is that in the beginning, these classrooms were created with the idea of meeting the demands which had by the society for care of children with certain diseases such as polio, cerebral palsy, Toxic Syndrome, etc. It was intended, in those initial moments, most entertaining children carry with them a scholastic pursuit, according to the program at his school of origin. This initiative was followed in 1974, following the opening of the National Hospital for Paraplegics in Toledo. At that time, launched a Pedagogical Section, consisting of five classrooms, a library, secretary and a staff room, with four teachers, of which today only three are left. The mission of this section was to address the educational needs of children and adults admitted, covering an increasingly widespread application in Spanish society.

However, this initiative has not caught on in other hospitals. The end result was that the May 18, 1998 an agreement was signed between the Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Health and the National Institutes of Health, which laid the foundation and compensatory policy aimed at resolve the schooling of children convalescing or admitted to hospital. At present the majority of hospitals in Spain have among its units with one or more classrooms where children are cared for and girls who are forced to spend time in the hospital away from their schools of origin. The years included in this care are ranging from 3 to 16 years, although sometimes children are taken care off other older ages, those who go to high school.