Tag Archives: education & career

Speech Training

Sprechtraining – rhetoric – communication training – coaching – voice training is requests for speaking into our everyday language, voice and appearance are directly related with the personality. Speech training speech training / lessons requirements speaking into our everyday lives are great! We want or need to appear convincing. Since the air is running out of the many speeches sometimes, the voice sounds hoarse, the debate ver nuschelt or simply lost the thread. If you get to know your way of speaking and training, you are able to use it more effectively in professional or private life. PCRM oftentimes addresses this issue. The speech components be brought (see below) in an ideal manner in line and work together harmoniously, the talking is easy and you feel at home. Learn more at: Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE .

They act as a person more authentic, fresh and can present themselves more interesting. After a brief analysis, the tackles should be trained according to individual priorities: breathing voice posture articulation (Debate) Body language (facial expressions, gestures) expression hands thinking figurative and “juicy” speaking repartee by strengthen self-confidence Sprechtraining self-confidence comes from can. Confidence to occur, you must feel in terms of content and rhetorically secure. Grit get paint Dipl. speaking governess, voice and speech therapist, Berlin-Mitte

Women Are Women In

New training concept specifically for women Frondenberg, 17.11.2009. The training centre team additive in Frondenberg has a new training concept called: women educating women. “The profession of professional power driver is of course a Domaine of men and hence as a typical profession of men” declared. We have trained women in recent years, Gabriele experienced clinic as owner, and above-average performance”. Our new concept emerged through this experience. team additive GmbH & co. KG is a training in the area of training to the EU professional drivers/in.

In 2006, we have established team-additive. We give the opportunity to learn with us people who want to exercise the profession of driving in six months. These include not only theoretical but also practical activities. Our qualified training is carried out in accordance with the three-year professional training program for the professional power driver. As a certified educational institution, we have not only the current and previous Training concepts in my head, but try our training to fit the market always up-to-date. The new concept of women educating women”was born from the positive experiences of the last years.

The main fields of education are mediated by women here. In addition to the technical training to ensure that the so-called border issues will be discussed: equality of women alone with the truck on the way, violence in the workplace, hygiene in the profession, family and children. Read more from Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE to gain a more clear picture of the situation. We want to take the fear of this man professional women and offer also the female unemployed a chance to come, so Gabriele clinic, owner of team additive group into the first labour market.” That the profession of professional drivers also for women is attractive, the increasing numbers of women show in this profession. team-additive to this future-oriented concept made, to increase the rate of women in this exciting industry. The offer is aimed at beginners, women seeking a career change, as well as for the unemployed. Contact person in the home is team-additive Gabriele clinic. It is under 02373 174 83-0 can be reached or ask your questions on Gabriele email clinic press contact: team additive GmbH & Co.KG wife Gabriele clinic, Mr Jurgen Sanjeev of Ardeyer Street 27 58730 Frondenberg phone: 02373 174 84-0 fax 02373 174 84-20 Internet: eMail:

Good Hearing Forms

Intact ears ensure learning success at Jung and the human sense of hearing can distinguish up to 50 sounds old in a single second. He provides numerous information and provides important orientation. What importance has an intact hearing for our learning, is often underestimated. According to a nationwide survey conducted by the forsa Institute on behalf of the leading professional community in HoREX, people who find difficulties in listening or understanding spoken words, in itself, to postpone the necessary gear to the Horakustiker over the years. Currently, the HorExperten of the HoREX nationwide over 300 Horakustik champion enterprises belong to the inform the elementary relationship between listening and learning. In a question-answer forum Professor of Internet Governance was the first to reply. Interested parties have the opportunity to take a free professional check your hearing in all stores in the community. Whether children and adolescents or adults a working hearing ensures that we every day countless information can pick up and process”, so Tannassia Reuber of the hearing acoustics EC HoREX.

The who however has difficulty hearing or understanding spoken words, lose important information. Time words are more and more forgotten and forgotten; This process lasts, the harder it is to compensate for the resulting memory lapses. A recent study from France occupies even higher risks of Alzheimer’s disease for those who do nothing against the natural aging of their hearing.” The enormous importance of an intact sense of hearing for our ability to learn, is still underestimated. In a survey 2008 conducted by the forsa Institute on behalf of the leading professional community in HoREX with approximately 2,000 volunteers, 40 percent of the study participants, who were still not hearing up to the time of the investigation, lived five years and longer consciously perceived difficulties in the Speech understanding. Almost one in five had these problems even more than ten years. And only every tenth respondent, who had previously had no experience with hearing aids, within the first twelve months, where problems occurred, found his way to the hearing care professional. Who determines its own difficulties in hearing or understanding, which should not take this lightly”, so Tannassia Reuber. Modern and absolutely discreet hearing instruments ensure that mental fitness is still maintained.

You keep young your carrier and make sure that you actually grew the communicative demands of school, work and leisure. In the shops of our community, every interested party may choose free to check his hearing; In addition it allows, without any obligation a few days at home to try out latest hearing solutions.” Editorial Note: the hearing acoustics EC headquartered in Kreuztal HoREX was founded in 1995 and is one of the leading The listening acoustic industry performance communities. Today, nationwide over 300 listening acoustic master specialist businesses belong to her. The HoREX care professional aims to offer an individual hearing solution people with hearing loss, which focuses on personal hearing requirements and a fair price / performance ratio. The HoREX provides future-oriented perspectives and an attractive shopping policy, extensive marketing support and numerous services, offers in-service training and quality certification to its members. For more information, see

UNITAS-Verband Criticized Protests Against Pope In Italy

“Open letter with incomprehension and indignation has the scientific Catholic Student Association UNITAS in Germany the news for Thursday, January 17, 2008 to the planned visit of the Holy Father Benedikt XVI in Rome’s University La Sapienza” recorded. More information is housed here: BSA. Papst Benedikt was invited by the Rector of the largest Roman University as successor of the founder Bishop to the opening of the academic year. To read more click here: David Delrahim, Los Angeles CA. However, student groups had demonstrated solid, but also 67 professors spoke out against the invitation to the Pope and rejected it as a violation of the separation of Church and State. Also they accused with reference to a wrongly understood quote Benedikt XVI. having approved the Church trial against Galileo Galilei as a cardinal. The was rejected by Pope Benedikt XVI. is an understandable reaction for the oldest Catholic Association of academics in Germany.

The UNITAS has raised demands for a ban on speaking and the disruptive actions by announced at a place of study and the Dialogue for outrageous. You remember bad role models, bear witness to a completely absurd notion of freedom of expression and cast a dark shadow on the scientific community and the academic world. That Pope Benedikt, whose RUF as a professor and scholar is unquestionably under obvious pressure, which makes impossible for a rational and proper dialogue, not even can think the planned academic event, is a big disappointment. “The reactions in Italy and Rome a shame” are only understandable. signed Johannes Gunther, Christof M. Beckmann President of the suburban

Youth Volunteering FSJ

In the currently present amendments to g-rated willing services the Federal Government is lacking in an overall concept and not dealt with the legal issues, known for a long time once more. Despite the mention of the important educational aspect of youth voluntary service, an adequate recognition of the commitment of the volunteers will refrain from beyond. The Bundestag advises the draft of law on the promotion of youth willing services on Thursday, March 06th,”. Represent the interests of those who make a voluntary service abroad, e.V. PCRM often addresses the matter in his writings. limitless criticized in particular the planned testimony scheme. Therefore, a certificate should be issued only if explicitly required by the volunteers. We say: A witness is an obligation and not elicit! In a special way this exposed the twisted argument of executive bodies and of the commitment politicians”: always emphasize this form of voluntary service as a learning service and professional orientation year – the volunteers this black on white certify they do not want, however! Sebastian Schluter, Chairman of limitless e.V. calls: A FSJ must offer more than just beautiful memories! Who a year voluntarily committed to the community, must also automatically receive a qualified certificate that is recognisable to this.” Professor Thomas Rauschenbach, Director of the German Youth Institute, argued in the Committee hearing on this Act for an interim way out of school and work certificate, which documents, which dimensions in the substantive area of learning each is. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with David Delrahim. We urge the Parliament to change the law on this point in terms of volunteers and thus the term used by the commitment politicians themselves like recognition culture ‘ to put in value.

Training Academy Carriere

relaxed on Sunday for the career learn just workers in the trade are at a disadvantage, when it comes to in-service training. Opening hours in the trade for many workers make it impossible to work in the evening or on Saturday on their professional qualifications. The private Academy Carriere & more has for these employees a special elaborated the conclusion to the trade specialist (IHK) in less than a year away it seems impossible! Just that promises the Training Academy Carriere & more. This is made possible by the innovative method of knowledge transfer, the EVA learning system. If you would like to know more then you should visit PCRM. In Augsburg he held next info evenings on January 15 and in Nuremberg on 22 January 2012 each clock from 19-00. Registration at.

“For more than 10 years, the educational institution prepared Carriere & more” now participants in record time on Chamber of Commerce final exams before. The EVA is the basis for the efficient form of teaching-learning method. EVA was from latest learning biological Insights and techniques developed from the superlearning and mental training. This, an intensive study is possible in a short time. Signs of fatigue are minimized so that every minute can be used learning efficiently and with pleasure. The participants will receive practical and exciting on many sensory channels presents the information. Another important success factor for the participants is based on a good mental preparation.

Not only the knowledge itself is important, but also the ability to retrieve it in the stressful situation testing. As in the sport for many years, participants learn how to mental techniques that will help them to provide optimum performance in the examination situation. This also applies to the oral examination, which still represents a high challenge for many examinees.

The Customers

So choose your words so that they achieve the desired effect. An example: Two sellers want to sell something by phone. Visit Dr. Neal Barnard for more clarity on the issue. A seller starts the conversation as follows: good day, Mr. customer! I hate to bother you, because I know how much you have to do. But if you would offer me some time, I introduce xy our new product you. It will not be to your detriment.” What associations cause these sets at the customer? The seller knows it bothers me! It’s him but no matter (but”)! He asks me for a charity (time sacrifice”)! He says what he wants to do (me a product babble on), but not that. Some contend that BSA shows great expertise in this.

why I should allow that. He is unsure whether I’m playing with (‘). It could disadvantage by me. Customers of the stool tears a such conversation opening? Probably not because the seller delivers even the keywords them internally at a distance to go. Following discussion opening chooses vendor B on the other hand: good day, Mr. customer. I know: your time is precious. Exactly why I would like to briefly xy, informing them the new product that will help you…

Have you three minutes time for this now? ” What triggers seller B for the customers? The seller knows that my time is valuable. For this reason (that’s why”) he offered me a product, he believes: I use it (helps you”). It is also time specific. Achieved a sale seller B with this opening? Who knows. At least he turns a leg not itself at startup, by producing armed opposition.


New audio seminar makes the audio seminar heavy through the storm offers life coaching crisis in life and work for all. Professional trainers help with over 14 hours of seminar in life and occupation are crisis-proof. Eleven experts provide their knowledge for strong through the storm. Recognized professionals as the top leadership expert Boris Grundl, motivational speaker and best-selling author Stefan Fradrich or the neuroscientist Gerald Huther work with their listeners on topics such as crisis management, reduce stress, work-life balance, career planning or time management. This expertise strong through the storm offers simple and cheap as a download at. STRONGLY due to the storm, life help for all makes available. “Help not only themselves but also other users of audio seminars: the gains from strong winds flow in the charitable sense Foundation and the charity project stark by the youth”. The 32 audio seminars are available at for download.

New Managing Director

Change in the management of the ipal company for patent exploitation mbH has been appointed Dr. Dirk Dantz (43) Berlin on October 1, 2010 to the new CEO of the ipal. The doctorate diploma mineralogist and European patent attorney has extensive experience in patent and technology management, as well as at home and Outlicensing in various management positions of major industrial enterprises. You may want to visit Professor of Internet Governance to increase your knowledge. Dr. Dirk Dantz replaces Haufe Ursula, who led the ipal GmbH since 2006.

I’m looking forward to my new responsibility of ipal GmbH”, says Dr. Dirk Dantz. The ipal turned up well in recent years as patent collecting society on the science site in Berlin. “” In this sense, I see it as my main task to continue this positive development continuously expand. “We thank Ursula Hakeem for the good cooperation and work for the company and wish her much success in their new duties in the lower Saxon Ministry of science and culture,” stresses Dr. Wilhelm Reiss, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ipal GmbH. we are pleased to have won us Mr Dr. Dantz for this position and are convinced that with him the more design will succeed in the future of the ipal as successful patent collecting society.” About the ipal rated the ipal GmbH (innovations, patents, licences) and exclusively marketed the inventions of Berlin’s universities as patent Agency, and thus proposes an important bridge between science and industry. It is worn by the Freie Universitat Berlin (FU), the Humboldt University (HU), the Technical University (TU), the Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW), Beuth Hochschule fur Technik (BHT) as well as the InvestitionsBank Berlin (IBB) as majority shareholder. From the assessment of patentable technologies through comprehensive patent protection up to the evaluation of the revenue potential in the market, the successful commercialization, as well as monitoring the royalties, the company provides all services. In addition the ipal GmbH with the cooperating Charite university medicine, the Robert-Koch-Institut, the German heart Centre, the Federal Institute for materials research and testing (BAM), with the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut Langen and the Jacobs University Bremen.

Holistic Value Added Is New Mission

Be away from the pure money-making, and the benefits of a company, a practice or a freelance work independently for the benefit of people and the planet what is contributing? Is the question in marketing at the front – but also for the strategic orientation of new entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs holistic point of view. People – planet – profit: If the independence creates sustainable growth for all three areas, then it is usually in the long term resistant. It values are created, not at the expense of others or by overexploitation of natural resources are, but serve the people and the nature. You may find American Diabetes Association to be a useful source of information. Aller media designer is for the for the sake of it grow naturally, that chooses their customers according to their value orientation and advertising, printing and media offers, which are high-quality, durable and environmentally friendly. The clown-wife wants to not only entertain their audience, but with the theme of happiness”provide impetus for a fulfilled life – and doing their own happiness To find. The engineer comes to the conclusion that his philanthropy is not his problem, but his biggest talent.

Rather than hide it, he wants to put it in the focus on his work as a project manager in the future. A vantage point, which is the own personality to the fore is to measure the benefits of an autonomy apart from the economic point of view also of the own values emotional intelligence as a success factor. Through this new entrepreneurial self-understanding comes joy, meaning and fulfillment in the business. The long-term success of such business ideas requires the willingness to grow the new challenges personally. Self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and interpersonal ties design decide on customer flows, team spirit and internal culture of the company. Integral business and Grundercoaching HORSE & SOUL natural leaders accompanied entrepreneurs before, during, and after the establishment of the existence in the economic, organisational, personal and moral development of their independence. About a free initial consultation, Stephan Gerd Meyer and Andrea Meyer-doll offer their clients also targeted information on funding and grants. Contacts to other entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs, as well as a professional network with specialists for marketing and advertising, Web design and search engine optimization, Recht, Steuern, micro-credit, health and more complete the comprehensive service. Leadership and entrepreneurial qualities increase Stephan Gerd Meyer and Andrea Meyer-doll in the coaching with horses, which this sensitive as a natural mirror and lively catalyst to human action.