Tag Archives: education

Foundation School

The children who have participativos parents get better resulted of that the pupils ' ' whose parents remain themselves moved away from escola' ' , as he informs in them You mark (1999). This participation can go beyond verifying notebooks or to participate in meetings, this family can ask to the pupil as it was its day in the school, the discoveries that made, to inform the professors of the necessities of the pupil, after all, is the family of the pupil who more knows its necessities. When the son has overhead in evaluations, to appear in the school before being called, to reserve time to be with it, to help it. We speak here of quality time, not amount. We need remembering in them the Prado (1981) on the changes that the families come suffering.

One of these changes is in the time that can offer. Many responsible parents or need to work more than in a job, or work far, leaving always very early and arriving very late. Part of this sacrifice is for giving to its children the possibility who had not had, of only studying. To guide these parents on what they can make to help its children, will not be only recompensador for the relation family-school, will be also comforting for these parents who would like to help plus its children, but does not find possible. 2.2 The family becoming involved itself with the school the envolvement of the parents is a first step for the establishment of the partnership family-school.

We must guide them of form to stimulate the participation. Simple actions can have great resulted. We need to clarify that to participate goes very beyond the attendance to the school when we call or of the simple accompaniment of the house duty. They follow some suggestions supplied in the seminary ' ' The school and famlia' ' , promoted for the Foundation School of Servio Pblico (FESP), of the State of Rio De Janeiro, in partnership with the Extra Periodical: He always speaks well of the school to create in its son a positive expectation in relation to the studies; It hugs it and desires to good things when he will be of exit for the lesson; In the return, he looks for to know as it was the day of it, what he learned and as if related with all.

World Web

And here lies the most main secret, through which the business and lives. The fact is that when you come to school, wishing to teach you, you advance doom yourself to failure. Why? Yes, because you have to learn yourself. On a soft hint Managers of language schools where students are asked whether they will learn something. But neither a language school does not say so openly.

Because, really, you do not need any language school or its teachers – even the best of them. Teachers can only explain to you the grammar and rules for the use of words and phrases, and then give a few exercises for you to remember studied. A good teacher will make the process more and cheerful and fascinating. Fun, as the English say. But your goal – not fun, and for this you pay the money. But to make the learned structures and vocabulary are settled in your head, and are available to you at any time, the teacher can not.

Not can he ottrenirovat your pronunciation so that you did not talk to 'Novgorod English', and the language of the Queen. Can not, because this takes many hours of work, but in a group of ten people to you, at best, would get 10 -15 minutes of attention. At the same time you yourself may well solve all these problems – at your disposal millions of books, audiotapes, Internet resources and foreigners roaming the city streets and open spaces of the World Web. Read unadapted literature, listen to audio, watch movies in the target language, repeat after the tape again and again, dozens of times, and then on the eleventh time that you do not know your 'Novgorod' accent. Take responsibility for their learning by themselves, and you do not need any language schools! And now – an interesting resource about the development of foreign languages: – Want to get more practice to learn and use foreign language? So you here! Linguistic community for fans of foreign languages: online courses and lessons, grammar, vocabulary, ability to communicate both. Sincerely, S. Vasilenko e-mail for communication: serg753 (dog) rambler.ru 'Generic methods improved foreign languages! '- Master the language independently and effectively

School Physical Education

1 INTRODUCTION This research was developed from the comment of an excluded cadeirante pupil of the physical activities during my first Supervised Period of training at the beginning of the year of 2010 in a particular school of $fortaleza. I considered myself then to develop a work on the inclusion of the deficient one in the lessons of physical education. To that time, I did not have it lesser idea of as if he gave of practical form the inclusion many times boarded in the curricular grating of the graduation course. It still saw of romantic form the questions that involve the inclusion under the point of view of professionals of the pedagogia, many of still involved them apaixonadamente in theories of pedagogical psychological matrix/as the notables construtivistas or traditional authors so en vogue in the last few decades. I set to observe it that boy of 12 years presumable, who was led in its chair of wheels until squares of sports of the school.

Of eyes vidrados in what its coleguinhas made, it seemed to fascinate a distant dream, or something lived in others Maurcio, comes to participate with us! it went beyond my deeper investigations. It involved specific public politics, enrollment of the family, commitment of the professors, the administrative body of the pertaining to school units and the participation of the community, since the elaboration of PPP (Plano Poltico Pedaggico) until the execution of the adaptations necessary to receive the children with physical deficiency. It seemed me reasonable to think that, the biggest difficulty in if developing the children with physical deficiency in the context of the school, would be in the innumerable forms for which the deficiencies if reveal. It had, as I thought, a direct relation enters the number of children who if consider to search the school and the quality (or specialization) of the professionals of each pertaining to school unit

Chico Mendes Society

Adopting new ways of life and making, to each day, new discoveries. It is also, from the work, that Chico Mendes and other citizens follow that it succeed and it fight for its causes. Thus, we have: To work it is to act on the nature, to act on the reality, transforming it into function of the objectives, of the necessities human beings. The society if structure in function in the way for which if it organizes the process of production of the existence human being, the work process. (SAVIANI, 1986:14) This action on the reality if makes in the collective one. As much in the case of the first inhabitants, how much in our current ones, they are in herds of monkeys, is in syndical, partisan organizations Through the work and of the collective, men and women make and remake its histories.

Thus, we can reflect: If it was essential for the survival and evolution human being who primitive groups remained together, or still, if through this unit, they have obtained to develop still says, others to it sensible and, to occupy new territories, what they had become them strong more and proteges, in this current society, where reigns the individualism and the benefit of some in detriment of the majority, that ways to tread? 2- ' ' In the way it way ' ' Obviously much time if passed since the primrdios until the current days. In this movement, the society was if constituting new relations if had formed. With these relations, the accumulation of good and wealth at the hands of some and the expropriation of the other people’s work, that is, workers transformed into merchandises, possibilities of profit. Since that the capitalist economy of market if autonomizou, since that it, so to speak, if ' ' desinseriu' ' of the society, it functions according to its proper laws, the impersonal laws of the profit and the accumulation solely.

Human Values

So education must be an opportunity where the flame of spirituality can be deployed to its full potential, it needs an open mind where parents, teachers and others to respect the student's fundamental questions: Who am I "as, what is death "Who created the world" In regard to human values Dr. Gallegos said that in humans there are three types of needs: the materials that we share with higher mammals and newborns are prepersonal needs arising before language and consciousness himself there before forming an ego and a memory mental or psychological needs are personal and specific to humans and are linked to language, memory and ego and the transpersonal spiritual being is the need to transcend the ego, to connect with the essence of oneself, is the need to belong to all, belonging to the universe. Spirituality is neither disciplined or conditioned as mental functioning but follows a process of liberation and transpersonal deconditioning because they will not develop. Therefore, the values are beyond the psychic apparatus of thought-emotion, can only be made in relation to a larger unit than the ego. Human values, says Dr. Gallegos, are perennial and universal, a natural expression of internal order. Holistic education in human values are at the heart of the educational process is necessary for their flourishing confidence, a feeling in children and young people who are in an environment in which can rely on this fundamental trust, do the right thing is perceived as inherent to the basic nature of man, doing the right satisfies the spiritual yearning and produces coherence and meaning.

Latin Playroom

According to etymology, the word comes from the Latin Playroom 'ludos', which means game, party, which was attached to the word "theca" which means local storage box or something. However, the Toy Library is not just a place where games and toys are kept. I really can not be just a toy tank, as its main objective is to stimulate the child and family to play, offering a space and pre-sized toys, games and proposals for various entertainment activities through people (animators , recreationists, craftsmen, educators, Ludotecarios) to be prepared for these functions. According to etymology, the word comes from the Latin Playroom 'ludos', which means game, party, which was attached to the word "theca" which means local storage box or something. However, the Toy Library is not just a place where games and toys are kept. I really can not be just a toy tank, as its main objective is to stimulate the child and family to play providing a space and pre-sized toys, games and proposals of different entertainment activities through people (leaders, recreationists, craftsmen, educators, Ludotecarios) to be prepared for these functions. The Toy Library is a forum for expression ludocreativa, receiving a heterogeneity of children, whose role is to develop a co-educational program with opportunities for involvement of several generations. Provide recreational activities that do experience creativity from different materials, without neglecting the needs of social, cultural creation and permanent stimulus needed by the human growth. We consider the Toy Library as a children's leisure center that offers children a toy collection for use on the premises or to be borrowed.

Learn English

Malta has been connected by close ties with Britain for 200 years and has inherited many British customs and traditions. English is recognized as the second state. Local English schools popular throughout Europe, here are taught to adults and children, and with any initial training. Unquestionable authority enjoy: Language School Chamber College, located near the ancient University of Malta in 1592 the ground, and Link School of English, which has been successfully operating since 1992 and won the championship in the organization of educational programs. We offer you a wide range: from basic English to specialized courses (30 species), which focus on career and focus on the terminology, as well as business course and examination program with a unique opportunity to take the exam for free – British Institutes Examinations, which recognize the best English-language universities in the world. To study in Malta can not only adults: for children 8-12 years and 13-18 years are specially designed courses in English in summer camps. Each course is designed to meet the specific needs of individual students and teaching policy ensures that the program will be adjusted to reflect your interests. However, regardless of your choosing, focusing on four aspects: pronunciation, communication, grammar and vocabulary.

Courses coordinated by experts with the latest teaching methods and using audiovisual aids. In groups of no more than 10 enrolled students, which ensures maximum efficiency studies. And if you have desire to learn individually – can you please book a private lesson. In general, the Maltese language schools are most popular among the Italian, French, Brazilian and Czech students that provide a minimum of communication in Russian! At the same time you will run the Russian-speaking counselor who can assist in any organizational issues.

Germany Learning

Does this mean that you will achieve results? Not always. Materials for language learning can be compared with the cookbook. You will cook it for a good meal … if the recipe is correct. And if the materials are chosen incorrectly? If you need a French stew with white sauce and a recipe book, only scrambled eggs? You need to learn the language to perfection in all its depth, and the book you'll pick up a knowledge 'of the tops', sufficient for obtaining the certificate level, but insufficient for your purposes? Another aspect of the issue – the rate of learning. Have you noticed that any classroom teacher is always focused on the weakest student in the group? After all, it turns out that he, too, and you are targeting. You are very lucky if your school has a strict policy of ranking levels, but often in a group with students who are technically difficult to classify even the same level. Schools thus saving on paying teachers, and to save what you are going through the same stuff for ten times until it finally comes to someone else? And who is to blame? After all, you can choose the option of training, which means that you will have to endure, and its shortcomings.

Is there a way out of this situation? There is, and he at the same place and entrance. Reconsider their attitude toward the learning process and take responsibility for themselves. Decide for yourself what result you want. Fluency in spoken language? Understanding of written language? English for business communication? Develop for themselves a training program and follow it, and do not believe anyone who says that you yourself will never get into grammar or do not learn to speak. All in your hands, and learning outcomes also depend only on Yourself! And now – an interesting resource about the development of foreign language: # Germany – Want to read the foreign press in the target language you? Then go here, open the newspaper and read. Very informative and helpful! C Sincerely, S. Vasilenko e-mail for communication: serg753 (dog) rambler.ru 'Universal methods improved foreign languages! '- Master the language independently and effectively

Graduate Business School

Most often career in business and in politics is through these schools. The most famous are: – Ecole Normale – Graduate Business School – Military School combined arms in places very hard to do, and alien even more so. When you receive here every request is considered separately and frequent failures. The biggest chance to go there for those who have a French Bachelor (EAC). But on the way to training in the most prestigious schools, they will have another couple of years, students acquire specialized training courses and there they will be very tough selection.

At a special place and has a very high level – is trained on the program of political science. It lasts 3 years. Here's flagship took the National School of Administration (ENA), which prepares all politicians and employees of the state apparatus. In it each year studying on a few dozen young workers' state – the bureaucrats and politicians. Some institutions offer special courses for 6-7 weeks in the English language. On these courses you will be able to practice speaking a foreign language and listen to information on various aspects and features to create a united Europe. Special priorities has system that prepares physicians and pharmacists.

This system is specifically adopted in France and requires 6-7 years to train a student. For example, the following course do not transfer those students who have not been a very difficult exam, not a certain number of different estimates and, accordingly, did not pass on a special contest. Those who could not pass on, will be invited to take the same course again, but this proposal will be issued only one times. At all other specialties, selection is up to the first year of teaching, and those who did not pass – is allowed to stay again on the same course as many times. In France, only 15% of students of all commercial schools are foreigners. The most prestigious management school in France: – Higher School of Commerce – Graduate School of Economics and Commercial Sciences – Graduate Business School of are all schools together in a consortium which allows up to 2 years to get a diploma in English

Aviation Administration

Since the 50s of the 20th century science fiction writers urged that by the early 21st century, all earthlings everywhere will use a hybrid of airplane and car. Meanwhile, more than samples, it is not moved, although attempts were made as a Soviet designers, as well as from foreign – which costs only A-40 airframe, aircraft Antonov-based T-60. Meanwhile, in 2006, ambitious engineers of the company Terrafugia proposed the concept of a flying car with called Transition. The other day the manufacturer announced the opening of the plant to produce a flying car Transition in Massachusetts. The number of orders for unusual vehicle has reached 70.

Those who wish to add to the list of proposed changes avanv $ 10 000. Who does not remember what it's all over the machine, a little help. The very history of this vehicle began in 2006. Then, four years ago, the designers claimed that flying cars will be sold in 2009, and a cost Toys will be $ 150 000. It was a great number of predictions – as early as 2009, when the prototype of the Transition has been manufactured and tested in the sky, the price rose to $ 50 000 immodest, and term deliveries postponed to 2011. The company now says that the price of its unusual flying cars will be between $ 200 000 to $ 250 000. The final value will be announced later. For comparison, a light single propeller aircraft in Europe can be bought for about $ 110,000, but, of course, on the highway to go on it impossible.

Meanwhile, for success in the market is still very important to this invention is officially classified as a light sport aircraft, because a pilot's license for this type of machine to get much easier. Unfortunately, as engineers have not tried to reduce structural weight, maximum takeoff weight of a flying car is still out equal to 650 kilograms. And it's on poltsentnera more than bar set for the said class of aircraft devices. And then the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) decided to accommodate the manufacturer. Transition to an exception was made: last June allowed the FAA to collect a convertible aircraft 'excess of 50 kg. " According to the manufacturer, the 50 pounds are just those things that distinguish the car from flying conventional aircraft. And these are the elements that are required to meet the road safety standards: air bags, durable and energy-absorbing interior cell zone deformation of the body. Now Terrafugia building bold plans for the future. In a press release it says: "After the enthusiastic response to the presentation of the design the next generation of Transition in Oshkosh, we build two prototypes. One will be intense road tests, and the second will be used to complete the certification test. " Hard to say, whether there is a bright concept car, aircraft insurance against the failure of the whole business idea. But now the owners of Transition promised increased security. Package includes new emergency parachute which can withstand all the machine entirely.