Tag Archives: government and politics

New Federative Unit

Currently, the Movement For the Plebiscite and Creation of the State of the Tapajs, legally constituted have massive support of the local population. The project rank in the Table of the Plenary assembly, with order of urgency of the representative Jose Priante was approved in day 31 of May of 2011. The Commission of the Amaznia, National Integration of Regional Development the project of invocation of the plebiscite approved in 2010 on the division of Par for creation of the States of Tapajs and Carajs. In the plebiscite on the creation of the new state, the citizens of the 144 cities of the state of Par must be consulted, that is, the region directly affected. Harold Ford Jr is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The plebiscite will have to be carried through by the Regional Court of Par, in the stated period of six months of the promulgation of the norms.

This step is basic for the creation of a new state, with the endorsement of the population of the directly involved cities, giving continuity to the process, with the consultation of the assembly of the state to be desmembrado and the approval, for the Congress, of a complementary law instituting the New Federative Unit. In this year of 2011, the federal Senate approved the accomplishment of plebiscite for the end of the year, aiming at to consult the population of Par regarding the division of the territory of the state for the creation of another unit of the federacy, called Tapajs. substitute to PDS 19/99 foresees the creation of Tapajs from the disintegration of 27 paraenses cities of the part west of Par. Beyond Santarm, it also has other cities of great partner-economic importance as Itaituba, important Commercial Polar region Hidrovirio, with economy based on the mining and rendering of services of third sector. This city currently was chosen by the federal Government to hold the Hidroeltrico Complex of So Lus of the Tapajs, with 5 plants foreseen for the High Tapajs, beyond the pavement of the Transamaznica and the BR163? Cuiab? Santarm whose workmanships already are in evidence since 2010.

Region Metropolitan

I did not have as not to remember that railroad does not sensetize the Toucans exactly, has seen privatization of the FEPASA, abandonment of tracks and stations, a series of things, makes that me to believe that the business of them is same roads, therefore always has one lugarzinho more if for a toll Everything this passed for my head and I nor perceived that the Lynno if esgoelava of the other side of the line, saying: You are there? You are there? The credits go to finish I already saw direct connections of more development comings of Brasilia (Dilma) and So Paulo (Squid) for cities of the Region Metropolitan of Campinas (RMC), such as: Sumar (Bacchim), Hortolndia (Perugini), Arthur Walnut (Capelini), Cosmpolis (Fernandes) and Campinas, city where the Dr. Helium is partner of Squid and the vice one is Demtrio, of the PT. To my side, somebody, that I finished discovering to be Toucan of wallet, fell when hearing mine: ours the Squid goes to govern So Paulo! , but, unhappyly, the Lynno corrected the notice, using Cell, that it was in the last credits: What? She is not president Lula who will be candidate? Ah, she is the president of the Corinthians, the Andrs Sanchez, and to the member of the house of representatives I already had written the heading of the article and I kept it the linking of the Lynno fell.. .

Southeastern Economic Infrastructure

The finalsticos programs deveriamneste moment already to enunciate with objetividade its intentions treating the formaoeducacional for productive activities based in the characteristic regional epotencialidades with incentive to the empreendedorismo destasmesmas inside characteristic; independent social equalization of classroom, sort, raaou regional origin; formation of the citizenship in all the levels implemented comodisciplina in the public schools including the universities, the empresaspblicas and incentive also for formation in smulti-national the private companies of the micron who use Brazilians; to form capable people of entendere to practise with igualitria justice its rights and duties in the conviviality with osseus and the society and the institutions, desalienadamente and with constructive visocrtica and of personal and social impact. Allocation of Resources for Regions In the allocation of resources for regions, still pra prevails deformed hegemonic all the programs, more resources for the Sudesteembora region the differences between values more is reduced as it shows the quadrocomparativo below: Finalsticos programs Southeastern Economic Infrastructure 39% Southeast 25% Northeast 24% Northeast 10% North 17% North 13% South 13% South 8% In the economic infrastructure still we have the seguintedistribuio of resources: National 24%, Exterior 16% and Center-West 4%. Noh an immediate justification for the consideration of these values. Some of the defined with priority goals, related aocrescimento of the GIP and to the control and fall of the inflation had had to the end of this PPA, an effective improvement statistics as it shows the picture below: Year parmetro2 2003 2007 20093 Tax of Growth of the GIP 0.55% 5.40% 4.00% average Inflation in year 8.17% 4.38% 2.90% Complementing the picture of with priority goals planoestabelece the creation of 7,8 million ' ' ranks growth comgerao of job and income, sustainable and ambiently reducing social dasdesigualdades and 3 Mega-Object promotion and expansion of the citizenship efortalecimento of the enterprising capacity. Mega-Objective 1 is where they are great part of the finalsticos programs quebuscam to take care of the demands of the society. .

Federal District

E this not evoluinaturalmente for another route that is not the accumulation of capital for few. This system if impregnates on the nations and the people in any type of poderpblico of any system of government are in the United States, Europe, Brazil, Cuba, Russia, always exist back in different ratios more still in grandeescala of accumulation of little richer in detriment of many maispobres. Still thus she is clearly that they exitem in the new PPA, ganhosconsistentes with this change in the form to define the orientaes estratgicasdo government. The wakening of the will citizen and the orgulhoparticipativo, asleep inside of the most diverse classrooms of entities and cidadossegregados historically of the chance and quarrel process is undeniable to deelaborar proposals for the democratic growth of the country. This democratic process for construction of the PPA, teveincio with a seminary in April of 2003 with the participation of leading dergos of the government and the responsible ones for sectorial politics. In this fruns seminrioforam definite of preliminary form 24 challenges organized in 3 Mega-Objetivosque had been argued later in 27 that they had more contemplated all the doestados of the federacy Federal District and in the Advice of DesenvolvimentoEconmico and Social, constituted for this end in this government. The programs formulated with the consequentes lines of direction destedebate, would have to also fulfill pepel of integration between the planning and ooramento. In this point the plain return to make critical direct what it chamade traditional way of of administration for functions, being placed that this nopermite an orientation come back toward the reach of results and with contrapontocoloca the management for programs as the alternative that a priori would assure estesresultados for working of cooperative form ' ' crossing fronteirasministeriais' '. The PPA brings as transversal subjects of the government science, atecnologia, the job and the sort, for considering that these subjects must servistos as orienting lines of direction in the definition of politics.