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Chronic headache, generalized muscular pain. Modifications in the arterial pressure (hipotenso or hipertenso). Hemoglubinria. Cough, dispnia, taquipnia, cianose. Urticria, redness, edema located or generalized. Badly? to be general, agitation, sensation of heat. Nauseas, vomits, diarria.

Signals of septicemia (fever, severe tremor, hipotermia, cardiac bankruptcy). Anaphylactic shock. 3,7 NURSING ASSISTANCE the assistance of nursing to the givers must be come back mainly to the planning, organization execution of the techniques and activities of nursing offered this clientele, before, during and after the procedure. Being of basic importance for the success of the transfusion. For if dealing with a procedure that is not total exempt of risks, although the all the cares, the transfunsionais reactions can after occur soon the beginning of the transfusion and up to 30 days later.

Of this form, it must be attempted against for some reactions, therefore nor always it is easy to identify them, and to the times they are so light that they pass unobserved. Therefore the patient per 30 minutes of the ending of the transfusion must itself be observed. Therefore, it must be attended and to all guide the giver during the collection process, communicating any alteration and taking measured as protocol, to be verifying vital signals and to write down in the nursing comments is the correct form of if preventing intercorrncia. However if the intercorrncias will be inevitable, the best behavior are to direct it the doctor. 4,0 METHODOLOGY will be carried through in day 22 and 23 of February of 2011 a trot the health to the colleges student of the courses of nursing and fisioterapia that if to make use to donate blood, in the intention to save lives. We will go to give a lecture to the freshmen with it I assist of the date show, videos and sensitization messages, later to carry through a trot to not the givers where they will have that to give a return in the FASB with the posters saying that they are not givers, after the accomplishment of the trot we will go with the givers ties the UNISANG, where they will have a basic feeding before and after the donation.

Surgical Intensive Therapy

Spider et al (2003) had observed in its study that patient intubados in Units of Surgical Intensive Therapy and Center pressures had presented intra-cuff in level above of the necessary one for pressure of ' ' selo' ' ciclagem of the fan. For Martins et al (2000), the gauging of the pressure intra-cuff is not carried through routinely in Surgical Centers and Units of Intensive Therapy. Philip Jr (1990) affirms that the pipes of Lanz and Montgomery are not exempt of complications, being able to occur herniaes of cuff on the tip of the pipe for its high volume or dangerous increase of the inadvertent pressure for the balloon pilot (test ballonet) and for the proper patient, in its anatomical particularitities. Spider et al (2003) concludes in its work that the pressure intra-cuff is the factor most important in gnese of endotraqueais injuries. The pipes of Lanz and Montgomery, according to Willis (1998), are provided with devices that allow to the auto-regulation of the pressure intra-cuff. Penha et al (2004) points these pipes as safe with respect to patients with prognostic of drawn out intubao.

Fort (1996) agrees to Spider et al (2003) and Martins et al (2004) when affirm that the pressure intra-cuff was always above of necessary in patients in Units of Intensive Therapy and the Surgical Centers, and that the gauging of the pressure it is not routine in the studied hospitals. Philip Jr (1990) in the sample also the possibility of complications, exactly to if using these pipes, the pressure intra-cuff raised still can take the iatrogenias. The pipes of Montgomery and Lanz, therefore, are provided with devices special that control the auto-regulation of the pressure intra-cuff, are safe for patients who will possibly pass for drawn out intubao. The pressure intra-cuff of these devices still is ece of fish above of the necessary one for ' ' selar' ' the Surgical trachea in Units of Intensive Therapy and Centers, and its control is not routine in the hospitals.

Clinical It

Nineteen articles from the period of 1978 you the 2002 were analyzed. Educational We concluded that experiences with blood hypertension patients ploughs incipient and few articles report upon the perspective of the critical health conscientiousness. Hypertensive crisis: definition, epidemiology and diagnosis Hypertensive crisis is to disorder of rapid and symptomatic elevation of blood pressure with risk of acute or progressing target organ damage. Clinical It is the most frequent emergency in an emergency department. The distinction between emergencies and urgencies is important because it dictates management. If is an emergency requires immediate reduction of blood pressure. The emergency or urgency cannot always be distinguished by the height of the blood pressure but usually by the extension of organ damage. Hypertensive crisis ploughs the most distinguishes form of poorly controlled hypertension.

Predispose factors ploughs to lower socioeconomic and education status, without primary care physician and health insurance. Fundoscopic examination is mandatory in all you marry the diagnosis establishment and detects papilledema. The improvement of the treatment of chronic hypertension should reduce the incidence of hypertensive urgency and emergencies. Keywords: Hypertensive crisis; Hypertensive emergency; Hypertensive urgency. Rev Bras Hipertens 9:340 – 345, 2002 INTRODUCTION the term hipertensiva crisis encloses a series of clinical situations with different degrees of severity of rise of the arterial pressure (Par). The accurate definition of the picture in urgency or emergency can have consequences how much to the choice of the treatment. In some circumstances the determinative factor would be the severity or rapidity of the rise of the Par.

In others, the relevance depends on the nature of the underlying medical complication. The definition of urgency or emergency cannot be made by the value of the Par, in a similar way that the immediate necessity of treatment.