Tag Archives: history

Average Age

Always looking to answers in the past with thinkers noassunto in question. Deoutro we have Hilde or Literature, off, therefore she forgets the things, she is descompromissada, romantic, mimada and even though irresponsible, however it has something differentiates that it, its likeable narrative. Then she says to the Sofia to be more likeable (Narrative), however Sofia says that Affection is synonymous of fancy and its commitment is with the truth. However, what it is really? Some say that our reality depends on our directions, of nossamente and of our subjetividades. To deepen your understanding Boy Scouts of America is the source. The old Greeks believed one verdadeabsoluta and universal happened of its Mythology and Philosophy. deAquino Toms saint, in the Average Age, defined the truth as an agreement of the thought with oreal. The truths and the concepts on the things change with the denovos appropriations knowledge, as for example, the circumference of the Land, that until poucotempo was found that she was plain and delimited for infindveis precipices. Muitosassociam the truth, to the one absolute neutrality, however thinkers vinculam subjectivity while others consider it connective. Others including Dr. Neal Barnard, offer their opinions as well.

As we can observareste shock between Real and imaginary he is old, therefore Literature cries out aosquatro winds, who guarantees that History (Sofia) is the truth and who gave odireito to it to say that the remaining portion is imaginary. Currently it is to comumobservarmos in the classrooms, the presence each more constant time of Literature, assisting in the lessons of History, but until point this approach is convenient? The historian gaucho Sandra Pesavento, has vriosestudos on the relation between History and Literature. It looks for to demonstrate to queapesar of both to have different objectives in the construction of the identity, if apresentam' ' as representations of the world social' '. The author understands that to break desteconceito of representation she is possible to include Literature as umafonte more historical. ' ' the fiction would not be avesso of the Real, masuma another form to catch it, where the limits of the creation and fancy are maisamplos of what those allowed to the historian ….

Middle Ages

The word "" in this case refers to the Moors, the Catholic Church, thanks to the efforts of Nimrod, in the Middle Ages has announced the servants of Satan, and as it turns out, was not too far from the truth. It is not surprising and the fact that under the Great Nostradamus actually implies host Moors – Satan, because of which the residents of Orange, now in Kiev once again suffer, and in order to save themselves from misery and suffering, they will drive out the former City of the Sun and Nimrod, and Satan. And hidden there after Deluge in the bowels of the earth by the former governor of Orange Lucifer (Satan) and his assistant Nimrod gold, which they subsequently created by shortages of gold replaced silver in the religion. Nostradamus, in his quatrains symbolically describes a tribute (one of the meanings of the word "tribute" – that give) gold, implying that the tribute, in this case, gold will be given to people. Gold by opening low-cost synthesis of gold will depreciate throughout the World, but people will increasingly understand the other, more important for a person – spiritual values.

Gold, like silver, will serve the people only as a metal that can multiply the reach of man. Gold is no longer under the control of leprikonov – servants of Nimrod, and will find themselves leprikony freedom ceased to be slaves to their master in the face of the Devil. Realizing all this, it becomes clear, and why during the election before the "orange" Revolution of Viktor , one of the main henchmen Nimrod, struck leprosy – a disease which reminded Nimrod on his servant leprikonah who still keep stolen from people and Nimrod hidden gold. Add to your understanding with Boy Scouts of America. .

Second Armenia

Until now, the scientific community, it is ignoririrovalis Armenian-Sumerian dictionary matching. This is surprising for two main reasons. First, because basis is still the dominant theory in the scientific world about the origin of the Armenians Dyakonov, is the statement that if the Armenians were the native inhabitants of the Armenian Highland, the vocabulary of the Armenian language would contain more of the languages of the Semitic learn from those around them Semitic tribes than it is the place to be. Following this logic, we should turn a blind eye to the presence in the Armenian language borrowing from the Sumerian language, but should pay attention to the lack of a sufficient number of borrowings from the younger Semitic languages. The question remains why hang in the air! Second Armenia-Sumerian language sootvetsyatviya found quite unusual manifestations that require special attention, such as Sumerian Utu God meets Armenian number 8 (uth) and the suffix uth shinararuthyun (construction). His sister, the goddess of Innin corresponds to the Armenian number 9 (inn) and the suffix-in shinararin (builder). Sky God An Armenian corresponds denies particle-AN (anhavat-infidel, unbeliever). God of the Moon corresponds to the root of Sin – sin (empty besmyslenny) this snahavat (cueverny believing in nothing), but of the Armenian lusin Moon" is formed from the Sumerian lu people and Sin (the Moon God). As we can see all of these examples have a direct bearing on the one hand to slovobrazovaniyu Armenian language, on the other side of the pantheon of Sumerian gods, that is itself represents a more than remarkable phenomenon that is at least worthy of being subjected to scrutiny …

Mexico Tourist Attractions

Make Puerto Vallarta beaches, landscapes and lots of activities to carry out one of the most wonderful tourist destinations in the Republic of Mexico: located on the Banderas Bay and located 350 Km of Guadalajara, this region is distinguished by its warm weather – with average temperatures reaching 27c – the presence of lush junglesperky rivers and breathtaking waterfalls, forming unique in Mexican territory scenarios. With growing development in the tourist area Puerto Vallarta has reached unimaginable growth some decades ago, today offering a wide variety of options when choosing accommodations and lodgings in these lands. I advise you take a time to make your reservations in advance and thus access the best hotels with discount in Puerto Vallarta, which offer you a first class, warm attention service and comforts that searches for your vacation at a very convenient price. As I mentioned in the beginning of the review the beaches are the main attraction tourism in Puerto Vallarta: soft waves and transparent waters, the beaches in this region of Mexico are presented as the most beautiful in the country, inviting an endless number of travellers to enjoy an unforgettable holiday. Among must-see points is Mismaloya Beach, one of the most exclusive spaces afforded by this destination. In this beach local, national and international celebrities gather to enjoy a charming scenario and practice water sports such as diving, central activity for the tourism in the area.

Water sports receive all the attention in this place: the diving lovers will find in Los Arcos place that always dreamed to practice this activity, since there are some of the most impressive rock formations in the country, which seem to emerge from the crystal clear waters, forming the perfect setting to discover the underwater world. Logically in this tourist destination of extreme sports enthusiasts will find an endless number of spaces to challenge to the nature through surfing and kayaking, while the more observant may make ecotourism. The nightlife is also very intense in Puerto Vallarta: in the area you will find a myriad of restaurants with the best of the traditional, national and international cuisine, in addition to the best bars, where you can enjoy a drink listening to music to your liking, and most modern discotheques, ideal for those who want to dance until dawn. Another alternative is to participate in any of the artistic, theatrical and musical events taking place in the city. To conclude this small review of the alternatives offered by tourism in Puerto Vallarta I will highlight the options related to the local art and culture: not everything is Beach in this area of Mexico, on the other hand, the range of activities is endless in this brief description, however is worth mentioning the possibility of a tour through the streets of the city centrewhere you will find the best galleries that exhibit paintings and sculptures by artists local and international, as well as more than interesting temporary exhibitions.

Vladimir Chelomey

The Soyuz ship was ready at the beginning of 1967. She was projected for Sergei Korolev, the engineer-head of the Soviet space program. Unhappyly it dies in January of 1966 without seeing the conclusion of its more brilliant project (WHITE, 2003; WALNUT, 2005). The first flight of a Soyuz ship initially was planned for May of 1967 and the ship would take cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov as only member of the crew. The mission was waited with special attention, therefore it would be the first space flight manned the death of Sergei Korolev after? that it are substituted for Vladimir Chelomey, the contrataste of many (WHITE, 2003). Moreover, the Soviet Union did not carry through manned space flights since already the distant year of 1965, in way that are exceeded for the Americans in a series of records and accomplishments (SPACEFACTS, 2010).

In contrast of the Soviets, the North Americans had never made question to hide its failures (WHITE, 2003). Thus being, the tragedy of the Apolo-1 age of the whole world knowledge and, for consequncia of the same one, the Americans were without flying, put in a long inquiry on the reasons of the accident that vitimara three astronauts. If the Soviet Union obtained to carry through a great flight with its new espaonave, other missions would come and the nation would obtain to revert its situation and if to place again to the front in the Space Race. Although the date of launching of the Soyuz-1 initially was fixed for the May month, at the beginning of February of 1967 the Soviet symbolism took the communist government to pressure so that a great manned mission was carried through in April month, to commemorate the birth of Lnin. In such a way the date of launching of the Soyuz-1 would be anticipated in about twenty days. This took the technician teams more intensely to work around the tests to be carried through with the ship.

Cultural Foundation Palmares

Thanks to its increasing organization, quilombolas river-grandenses-do-south comes conquering each time more visibility. The Federacy of the Associations of the Quilombolas Communities of the Rio Grande Do Sul informs that 130 communities exist more than quilombolas in territory gaucho. General Cadastro of Remainders of Communities of Quilombos of the federal government already registered, in December of 2007, the existence of 35 communities in that state. Currently, it is possible to identify some regions with great concentration of agricultural quilombos in the state, such as: the coast river-grandense-do-south (cities of They are Jose of the North, Mustards, Tavares and Palmares of the South); the central region (cities of Restinga Seca, Creeps and entorno); the southeastern Mountain range, the west of the Lagoon of the Ducks. The region metropolitan of Porto Alegre shelters at least six urban quilombos. The main fight of these communities is, certainly, the guarantee of its lands. In accordance with Ilza Owner, leader of the community of Rind: ' ' Our bigger challenge is, calmly, the heading of the land, because people come waiting this, waiting since very tempo' '.

Although to be about a right assured for the Federal Constitution, until today no land of quilombo in the Rio Grande Do Sul she was titleholder. In 2006, quilombolas of the Rio Grande Do Sul had obtained a great conquest, when the President of the Republic signed decree declaring of social interest the busy land for the community quilombola Family Hisses and authorizeing the INCRA to proceed the dispossession in order to guarantee the territorial rights of the community and when the dispossession process will be concluded, the lands they could be titleholders on behalf of quilombo. In Minas Gerais, the fight for the land quilombola is presented imbricada in the fight for the access to the water and the preservation of the environment. When facing it dries, the great projects of development (hydroelectric plants and mining mainly), the cultivations of eucalipto and the real estate speculation, in the case of the urban quilombos, these communities try to make to be valid its right to remain in lands conquered for its ancestor. In Pernambuco, it has quilombolas in almost all the cities of the state, mainly in the hinterland, where the sugar cane-of-sugar and cattle farms had proliferated in the colonial period.

As Report of the State Commission of the Communities Quilombolas de Pernambuco, has identified approximately to 120 communities quilombolas in the state. In March of 2008, of these communities quilombolas 80 already consisted in General Cadastro of Remainders of Communities of Quilombos of the federal government. Such Communities of diverse regions of Pernambuco meet represented in the Commission of State joint of the Communities Quilombolas de Pernambuco. Created in July of 2003, the state representation meets hosted in Conceio of the Creoles in Willow and acts in the fight for the guarantee of the rights of quilombolas. Two communities quilombolas of Pernambuco had received in 2000 the heading of the land emitted for the Cultural Foundation Palmares: Castainho (close to Recife) and Conceio Creole them (close to Willow).

Pedagogical Didactic Process

The education of disciplines History of Brazil, throughout its trajectory always was seen and elaborated in a dogmtica way, as mechanism of construction of an only national identity, where we go to observe such estimated since its primrdios. In the First one and Second It disciplines it to empire of National History was considered facultative and hardly she was taught, where the education of Sacred History predominated on of a National History, where the education methods were practised through the memorization and repetition of the written texts, where salient the following one concerning this question: The programs of History of Brazil followed the model consecrated for Sacred History, substituting the moral narratives on the life Dos Santos for historical actions carried through by the considered constructors of the nation, especially governing heroes and clergymen. The order of the events was articulated for the succession of kings and the fights against the foreign invaders, in such a way that history culminated with ‘ great eventos’ of ‘ Independncia’ of ‘ Constitution of the Nacional’ State; , responsible for the conduction of Brazil to the destination of being one ‘ great nao’. (PCN, 1997, P. 20) During the periods of the Old Republic the education of disciplines of History of Brazil searched to insert in the nation the civic spirit, through a taught patriotic nationalism in history, where we can observes as education proceeded from disciplines: National History was identified with the Native History, whose mission, together with the History of the Civilization, was to integrate the Brazilian people to the modern civilization occidental person. Native History was understood as the foundation of ‘ pedagogia of cidado’ , its contents would have to emphasize the traditions of a homogeneous past, with glorious facts of you celebrate historical personages in the fights for the defense of the territory and the national unit.