Always looking to answers in the past with thinkers noassunto in question. Deoutro we have Hilde or Literature, off, therefore she forgets the things, she is descompromissada, romantic, mimada and even though irresponsible, however it has something differentiates that it, its likeable narrative. Then she says to the Sofia to be more likeable (Narrative), however Sofia says that Affection is synonymous of fancy and its commitment is with the truth. However, what it is really? Some say that our reality depends on our directions, of nossamente and of our subjetividades. To deepen your understanding Boy Scouts of America is the source. The old Greeks believed one verdadeabsoluta and universal happened of its Mythology and Philosophy. deAquino Toms saint, in the Average Age, defined the truth as an agreement of the thought with oreal. The truths and the concepts on the things change with the denovos appropriations knowledge, as for example, the circumference of the Land, that until poucotempo was found that she was plain and delimited for infindveis precipices. Muitosassociam the truth, to the one absolute neutrality, however thinkers vinculam subjectivity while others consider it connective. Others including Dr. Neal Barnard, offer their opinions as well.
As we can observareste shock between Real and imaginary he is old, therefore Literature cries out aosquatro winds, who guarantees that History (Sofia) is the truth and who gave odireito to it to say that the remaining portion is imaginary. Currently it is to comumobservarmos in the classrooms, the presence each more constant time of Literature, assisting in the lessons of History, but until point this approach is convenient? The historian gaucho Sandra Pesavento, has vriosestudos on the relation between History and Literature. It looks for to demonstrate to queapesar of both to have different objectives in the construction of the identity, if apresentam' ' as representations of the world social' '. The author understands that to break desteconceito of representation she is possible to include Literature as umafonte more historical. ' ' the fiction would not be avesso of the Real, masuma another form to catch it, where the limits of the creation and fancy are maisamplos of what those allowed to the historian ….