Two-day seminar provides in-depth practical knowledge bases in Vienna and basis for decision-making or location provide practice the right mix of the basic terms and concepts, as well as concrete examples of tools and evaluations provide a valuable orientation the participants: beginners realize the potential and can derive for your own situation the right decisions comparisons and benchmarks with other solutions and approaches users get the seminar “Web analysis & controlling: Optimization of success on the Internet “is overview the seminar provides an overview of the analyses, which are now possible. The participants are led by the visits to the “conversions” (business successes) and the return of investment (ROI) or the efficiency of the campaigns. Then can the online investments much better controlled and the success of your site optimized. An excerpt from the topics: different methods: log file analysis, daily tracking,…: advantages, disadvantages the correct interpretation: how data information what pitfalls are – can cause wrong decisions by the visit to the conversion: what goals and funnel processes the success made campaign controlling: such campaigns be measured and evaluated according to success can (cost/conversion, ROI) media cross end tracking: analyse in detail how campaigns from different sources and evaluate can email marketing analysis: what evaluations you are promotions and newsletters can expect from your E-Mail landing page optimization: with a/b testing and multivariate testing performance dramatically increase tips & tricks: What tricks of time and work saving online all content and concepts which are taught in the seminar details and content, visit the website of the online-marketing determines seminars/webanalyse rapid registration is recommended: 17/18.4. Seminar on 17 and 18 April 2008 from 9:00 17:00 in Vienna. The price is EUR 980,-per participant (excluding VAT, for both days, including documents and catering).